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Bogner Alchemist or Albion TCT35

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  • Bogner Alchemist or Albion TCT35

    I can just manage to squeeze either of these into my budget after treating myself to a new Gibson Classic Custom a few weeks back. Being made in China I do have some slight reservations about either of these lasting over the long haul, but they both do offer what I want (low wattage, two channel with independent eq, reverb, 6L6 tubes). I've seen and heard both good and bad reviews for both...:hmm:

    previously filled out.

    How much would you like to spend?
    I'd like something in the under $600

    What's the absolutely most you will spend?
    $1075 (figure a grand and then tax/shipping)

    How many years have you played guitar?

    Do you seek tone quality or versatility?
    Quality, not looking for anyone else's tone, looking for mine

    What is your primary guitar (include pup type and configuration)?
    LP style (mahogany, fixed bridge, 2 DiMarzio Humbuckers)

    What style(s) of music do you primarily play?
    Metal and Jazz

    What one guitarist do you wish to emulate?
    Tonewise Warren Haynes with more gain

    Do you prefer to plug straight in, or will you be using effects?
    * If you plug straight in, you will likely require 2 or more channels
    * If you use effects, you may prefer an effects loop
    Straight, needs to have two channel with independent eq, preferably with reverb. Only pedal I like to use is my wah

    What will be the primary use of the amp?

    basement jams with friends/students
    band rehearsals
    recording sessions
    smaller venue live gigs

    Do you prefer a combo or head/cabinet (and why)?
    Prefer a head, I have a 4X12 and a 2X12 cab

    What amplifier(s) do you have/had and why do you want a change?
    I have a Carvin MTS that I swear by, but looking for lower wattage and maybe a little smaller/lighter. Lugging a 100 watt half stack to most gigs is overkill. I picked up an Egnater Tweaker but the lack of reverb and independent eq is seriously bothering me. My clean and dirty settings aren't THAT far apart, but enough so that I'm either displeased or trying to split the difference and then not happy about either. It also is lacking in gain so I have to use a dirt pedal and a reverb pedal. Now I'm lugging more stuff then if I just were to bring my carvin.

    Please list five amps (minimum) that you have researched (if you can't do this, you're not serious)
    Laney Ironheart
    Albion TCT
    Carvin V3M
    Jet City 5212
    Bogner Alchemist

    What did you like about them?
    What did you not like about them?
    I haven't been able to plug into any of them personally. The Jet City is only available as a combo. The Carvin is EL34 (and I prefer 6L6s). relying on reviews and seen and heard good and bad for all

    Any real world input would be most appreciated. Looking for suggestions from people who have had some gear for a while and it's been roadworthy and toneful.
    Grab the Bogner
    Grab the Albion
    Hold out for one opf the others you're considering

    The poll is expired.

    Last edited by C Squared; 04-20-2012, 02:39 PM.