I got a Marshall TSL122 that i've been gigging with. I just can't quite get the OD on the lead that i'm looking for. I want more of a raw meaty warm tube drivin sound.... umm, harsh, I like brite too, which the amp does do. I've been tweaking like crazy but can't quite find that sweet spot on the Lead channel. I found the sound on the crunch channel and the clean i can deal. I've been dropping down the gain to below half and it still doesn't get that breakup that i want. The OD is too.... well it almost resembles SS (God forbid). O, i'm playing an epi korina SG with a JB in the bridge and i'll probably get a Seth for the Neck. I guess i'm asking if i should get a mod with, say, voodoo labs, or get a different amp, or maybe use an eq or booster to shape the amps tone, or buy a different amp. I kinda wanna get an amp that's lower wattage so i can drive it more, cuz i play at around 3 for shows right now. I am really intrested in Mods too.....
sorry this wasn't concise at all, but this is one of those mid life crisis'..... well no, but still with a little bit of yes
sorry this wasn't concise at all, but this is one of those mid life crisis'..... well no, but still with a little bit of yes