I spent my whole Saturday at the Vacuum Tube Valley LA Expo near Pasadena, California. Much of it was audiophile amp/reciever/speaker dealers setup in hotel rooms. The main section was tube dealers like Antique Music Supply, a few amp and guitar dealers like the amazing 65 Amps, G&L Guitars, and my favorite booth in the whole show....Antique Arcade, which was a collection of radio mics, vintage phones, and an original Thomas Edison Phonograph, which the owner demoed for me. It was amazing to go from that early piece, and walk a few steps to a rack of hi-tech Analog Synth Modules!
Here's the advertisement for the expo, which I learned about on this forum, Friday. http://www.vacuumtube.com/vtv%20news.htm
Here's my pics, which is far from everything, but were the highlights that interested me the most. I'll supply you with links to anything of interest that you see. Click on them to enlarge them!!! http://photobucket.com/albums/y247/G...A%20Expo/?sc=5
Here's the advertisement for the expo, which I learned about on this forum, Friday. http://www.vacuumtube.com/vtv%20news.htm
Here's my pics, which is far from everything, but were the highlights that interested me the most. I'll supply you with links to anything of interest that you see. Click on them to enlarge them!!! http://photobucket.com/albums/y247/G...A%20Expo/?sc=5