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New Floor model/exdemo 4x12
"Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen
I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra
Originally posted by Rodney GeneIf you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.
^^ EQ / setting's are the same as the video above it...just reduced the reverb a bit and turned up the saturation ("Density" knob on the amp) to about 1 o'clock"Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen
I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra
Originally posted by Rodney GeneIf you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.
Maybe it was a lucky batch but a music shop I worked at in 2007-2009 had a XXX paired with a Peavey cabinet that I was informed have Sheffields. I had heard nothing, neither good or bad about them to shape my opinion other that what I heard when I tried it out.
I heard nothing wrong with the overall tone whatsoever and one thing that really stood out to me was the ginormous amount of low end available as the bass knob was turned up. Not only that but it was very clean low end, like it could handle any amount without it interfering with the rest of the sound which I believe is indicative of a very efficient speaker.The opinions expressed above do not necessarily represent those of the poster and are to be considered suspect at best.
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Originally posted by Beer$ View PostMaybe it was a lucky batch but a music shop I worked at in 2007-2009 had a XXX paired with a Peavey cabinet that I was informed have Sheffields. I had heard nothing, neither good or bad about them to shape my opinion other that what I heard when I tried it out.
I heard nothing wrong with the overall tone whatsoever and one thing that really stood out to me was the ginormous amount of low end available as the bass knob was turned up. Not only that but it was very clean low end, like it could handle any amount without it interfering with the rest of the sound which I believe is indicative of a very efficient speaker.
Originally posted by Beer$ View PostMaybe it was a lucky batch but a music shop I worked at in 2007-2009 had a XXX paired with a Peavey cabinet that I was informed have Sheffields. I had heard nothing, neither good or bad about them to shape my opinion other that what I heard when I tried it out.
I heard nothing wrong with the overall tone whatsoever and one thing that really stood out to me was the ginormous amount of low end available as the bass knob was turned up. Not only that but it was very clean low end, like it could handle any amount without it interfering with the rest of the sound which I believe is indicative of a very efficient speaker.
Efficiency is 96.3 db (I looked it up). So pretty efficient if not OTT efficient. I think they sound fantastic in this cab & they are'nt going anywhere..."Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen
I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra
Originally posted by Rodney GeneIf you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.
I've had these lying in their boxes and nowhere to put them since last November or so. Been waiting to get a new 2x12 for them. But now after getting the Peavey 4x12 space is an issue, (cuz 3 walls of abyssmal doom in one room is no joke) so I've been toying with the idea of doing this for a while even though the Sheffield's sound great. The only critisism I have of them is that they're a bit too even sounding across the board...a slight push/bump in the mids for some added complexity would be nice.
And that just what adding this pair of WGS ET65's has done. The cab's gone from great to absolutely fuggin' awesome! No massive change in tone or EQ just sounds bigger, better & livelier. The mids are a thing of beauty! Add to that a punchier bigger low end and sweet, sweet highs! This may be the honeymoon phase but so far I could'nt love it more.
It sounds absolutely perfect to me. Should have done this earlier. i was just too lazy...
Obviously this means more clips to come..stay tuned!"Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen
I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra
Originally posted by Rodney GeneIf you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.
I was just thinking if the mids sound like this already, wtf will they sound like when these things are properly broken in"Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen
I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra
Originally posted by Rodney GeneIf you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.
The little I've played around with them in this cab I like them a lot. I'd be curious to know what they sound like on their own. The Sheffield 1200's are apparently based on some old Greenbacks EVH wanted them to sound like..whether they're close to those or not I don't know but a 'Greenback-type speaker' (or at least in that ballpark) while the ET65's are based Off Celestion G12-65's which I've heard say are also roughly in the GB camp but w/ more mids and bass and that makes them their own thing. Anyway, that's exactly what these ET-65's bring to the table here, (without messing with the cab's basic tone, For instance a V30 would've added mids...but also changed the sound completely, if you know what I mean) In this case the change is subtle but defiinitely noticeable.....and it's what this cab needed to be "perfect" imo.
Of course I did'nt know that when I bought the ET65's..that I'd be pairing them up w/ Sheffield's in a Peavey I just got lucky that they were the "secret sauce" that this cab needed..
It's just livelier overall & even more fun to play
Not ideal mic placement. Pretty sure I missed the sweet spot,plus this is just the WGS speaker in it's not the best representation of how the cab sounds..but just for an idea of the difference (if you can tell
"Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen
I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra
Originally posted by Rodney GeneIf you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.
This was done with the Sennheiser in about the same place on both top speakers (Sheffield and WGSET65). I just shifted it from left to right. The amp was dialed in for a good tone coming out of the cab. The Sheffields are a bit less efficient than the ET65's so that shows in the recording But the sound I hear out of the cab in front is pretty homogenous (none of the speakers sound way louder/drown out the other..volume is reasonably balanced)
Sheffields followed by the ET65's. You can tell how the ET65's add awesomeness/liveliness to the sound
100% dry reverb or FX
Last edited by Phantasmagoria; 06-26-2023, 10:11 PM."Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen
I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra
Originally posted by Rodney GeneIf you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.
This is he first time I've recorded anything with two mics. Cuz I wanted to check out the recorded blended tone between the the WGS ET65's & The Peavey Sheffield 1200's I have in this cab right now (which sound mega awesome to me out in front) so..
I had my Chinese BM800 condenser on the WGS & The Sennheiser e906 dynamic on the sheffield (top speakers) like in the photo in the video. They were both @ the edge of the dustcap's. And I recorded it into my Mackie Onyx Producer interface which has two mic inputs for simultaneous recording . One speaker's panned 32% to the left and the other's 32% to the right (not sure which is which). Both were recorded with the same audio levels on the meter in Reaper...
No FX/Post prod. (Onboard reverb @1 on the amp)
"Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen
I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra
Originally posted by Rodney GeneIf you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.
And here's one that starts with the same thing as above (both mic'd speaker's blended) then just the Sheffeild @ 1:18 mins & just the WGS @ 2:36 mins. I really think they combine awesomely. Blended is warmer. thicker, but also livelier & more 3D. While the Sheffield on it's own is a bit too even/flat/dark sounding and the ET65 is nice on it's own but a bit sharper/thinner than when it's blended with the Sheffield.. which , as I said, I like best
"Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen
I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra
Originally posted by Rodney GeneIf you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.
Couple of days ago I thought I'd blown up my Mackie interface (long story) but it turned out to be something else completely and the Mackie is fine. But I'd already gone on Amazon and picked up a Steinberg UR22C which by the time I realized the Mackie was fine had already shipped. can't have too many audio interfaces so it's now a part of my interface Wall of abyssmal DOOM. Also picked up a usb hub with individual on/off switches so I can safely switch between them (interfaces) without interference/problems..
Anyway first go with the's 32 bits vs all the other ones that are 24 bits but in real terms it makes no difference and sounds like the others
Anyway bottom line.. it sounds all right and works fine which is all I want
"Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen
I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra
Originally posted by Rodney GeneIf you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.