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Opinions in Jim Dunlop Wah Pedals

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  • DesertRose
    Re: Opinions in Jim Dunlop Wah Pedals

    I've tried VOX wah to Dunlop wah .. not to mention about Ernie ball.
    The dunlop I've gotten is a Hendrix crybaby and it cries even at high octaves thats why I gotten it. I'm not sure about the rest, but the Hendrix wah rocks for me

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  • some_dude
    Re: Opinions in Jim Dunlop Wah Pedals

    While they're nothing to write home about, Dunlop wahs (the Fasel ones) are pretty good.

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  • WhoFan
    Re: Opinions in Jim Dunlop Wah Pedals

    I want to try these pedals out too... i have the standard Dunlop Wah.... the cheap one.. i like it but wish the effect was slightly stronger sometimes..... But for the $89 Canadian i got it for on sale at a clearance day at a local store it was worth it!

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  • Curly
    Re: Opinions in Jim Dunlop Wah Pedals

    I haven't tried the Classic with the Fasel, but I have a 535Q, and it's not bad.

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  • shredaholic
    Re: Opinions in Jim Dunlop Wah Pedals

    The fasel inductor on the GCB-95F sounds much better than the stock inductor, but you'd be better off buying it separately from and fitting it yourself as it's only $20 ( and the shipping I paid to the UK was very cheap. There's a price hike of much more than $25 between the normal CryBaby and the Fasel one, so buy a normal one and fit the inductor yourself (while you're buying it, you could get a 3PDT switch for $10.00 and have yourself a true bypass wah too!).

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  • Robbiedbee
    started a topic Opinions in Jim Dunlop Wah Pedals

    Opinions in Jim Dunlop Wah Pedals

    I was looking at getting a Wah pedal, as I really want to nail some of Adrian Smith's solo tones. I was looking at the GCB-95F Classic Wah (apparently endorsed by Kirk Hammett) and the 535Q Crybaby (which is apparently endorsed by Satch).

    Anyone care to share some opinions on these pedals? Go easy on me, I'm new to amps/pedals.