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In search of "the" OD pedal...

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  • Nightburst
    Re: In search of "the" OD pedal...

    Originally posted by B2D
    Ahhhh OK see that makes more sense.

    Personally I luuuuurve Ecstacies and if I had one I'd use it for EVERY gig I had, no matter what. I don;t like hauling halfstacks around either but the sound sure is worth it with that kind of amp. Hey... why not get a 2x12 cab? It might make using that amp more feasible.
    That's actually not a bad idea, but other than the cab I would still have to haul all the rest of the stuff. It needs a heavy 110/220 trafo so I can actually plug it in a European socket for power. In the end carrying a few kilo's more or less won't matter anyway. And besides I hate how most 2x12 cabs project the sound forward like a laser beam.
    Still it's worth considering...

    For gigs and long rehearsals I take the xtc with me, for band contests (where there's a predetermined backline in order to give al the bands an 'equal' chance ) and other practise I just plug in the available amp, stomp the Dragon and rock out. It's all about having fun!

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  • B2D
    Re: In search of "the" OD pedal...

    Originally posted by Nightburst
    Well I don't just play at home sitting in front of my amp worshipping it all the time or something if that is what you think.
    Sometimes I go out and play somewhere when there's allready an amp at the location that I can use. I rather play my own amp but sometimes it's cool to just leave the stack at home and save myself from moving all that heavy stuff.

    I wanted a pedal that would give me great distortion and on top of that could function as a nice od for solo boost or extreme high gain. The amp is incredible yeah but the gain it has on tap by itself isn't enough for me so I use od's to kick it up a notch.
    The Silver Dragon does all that. It's not just a distortion pedal, when you back off the gain it's a nice tube od that blends in the signal better than any other pedal I've used so far.

    Ahhhh OK see that makes more sense.

    Personally I luuuuurve Ecstacies and if I had one I'd use it for EVERY gig I had, no matter what. I don;t like hauling halfstacks around either but the sound sure is worth it with that kind of amp. Hey... why not get a 2x12 cab? It might make using that amp more feasible.

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  • Nightburst
    Re: In search of "the" OD pedal...

    Well I don't just play at home sitting in front of my amp worshipping it all the time or something if that is what you think.
    Sometimes I go out and play somewhere when there's allready an amp at the location that I can use. I rather play my own amp but sometimes it's cool to just leave the stack at home and save myself from moving all that heavy stuff.

    I wanted a pedal that would give me great distortion and on top of that could function as a nice od for solo boost or extreme high gain. The amp is incredible yeah but the gain it has on tap by itself isn't enough for me so I use od's to kick it up a notch.
    The Silver Dragon does all that. It's not just a distortion pedal, when you back off the gain it's a nice tube od that blends in the signal better than any other pedal I've used so far.
    Last edited by Nightburst; 01-25-2006, 11:57 AM.

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  • shred-dog
    Re: In search of "the" OD pedal...

    Originally posted by B2D
    Dude you have a freaking Bogner Ecstacy... WTF do you need a Silver Dragon for? :
    good call B2D !!!!!!!

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  • jeremy
    Re: In search of "the" OD pedal...

    i have a barber ltd and its nice. basically different pedals work better or worse with certain guitars. i love a klon centaur but its not cheap.
    i hear great things about the tim too

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  • FretFire
    Re: In search of "the" OD pedal...

    Originally posted by MikeRocker
    There's the Tim and the Timmy, handmade by Paul Cochrane in Tennessee. The Tim has two footswitchable settings, drive and boost; the Timmy has just one. It's an amazing sounding overdrive. Not to use too many clichés, but it's really sensitive and transparent. I have a one channel amp, and it's all I need as far as OD goes. To order one, you have to call Paul (one of the nicest guys I've ever dealt with) and get on the waiting list. It's worth the wait.
    You can also find them used on from time to time.

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  • MikeRocker
    Re: In search of "the" OD pedal...

    Originally posted by Twitch
    Can anyone tell me more about the TIM? I found a lot of posts on the musictoyz forum but they all just talk about how they are handmade by an amp tech in Nashville and not so much about the tone.
    There's the Tim and the Timmy, handmade by Paul Cochrane in Tennessee. The Tim has two footswitchable settings, drive and boost; the Timmy has just one. It's an amazing sounding overdrive. Not to use too many clichés, but it's really sensitive and transparent. I have a one channel amp, and it's all I need as far as OD goes. To order one, you have to call Paul (one of the nicest guys I've ever dealt with) and get on the waiting list. It's worth the wait.

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  • B2D
    Re: In search of "the" OD pedal...

    Originally posted by Nightburst
    Rocktron Silver Dragon!

    I know I just started a thread about it being a little noisy but the thing has the mose incredible low end chunk a pedal could have! It's also fairly transparent and has a tube in the od circuit. It also has another switchable SS distortion stage on top of the tube od.

    It shure blows my modded Ts-9 out of the water.
    Dude you have a freaking Bogner Ecstacy... WTF do you need a Silver Dragon for? :

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  • FretFire
    Re: In search of "the" OD pedal...

    Originally posted by Twitch
    A little too much gain on the Mosferatu it sounds like from the clips.

    Can anyone tell me more about the TIM? I found a lot of posts on the musictoyz forum but they all just talk about how they are handmade by an amp tech in Nashville and not so much about the tone.
    That's with the gain around 3 o'clock from what he says on the clip, and there is a knob you can use to turn it down after all.

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  • Twitch
    Re: In search of "the" OD pedal...

    A little too much gain on the Mosferatu it sounds like from the clips.

    Can anyone tell me more about the TIM? I found a lot of posts on the musictoyz forum but they all just talk about how they are handmade by an amp tech in Nashville and not so much about the tone.

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  • FretFire
    Re: In search of "the" OD pedal...

    Check out the Hermida Mosferatu, it has more gain on tap and is a tad more aggressive than the Zendrive. In fact, Alf has been quoted saying Robben Ford was the inspiration behind the Mosferatu. There's a great clip up on the site, it's pretty indicative of how it will react with your rig. Notice how transparent it is, you can still tell it's a tele-style axe through a Dr. Z, just with more gain added. It's a very articulate and dynamic pedal too, very amp-like.

    There's a bit of a wait when ordering straight from Alf right now, as a bunch of guitar mags recently printed rave reviews of his stuff. However, if you keep an eye out at you can usually grab a new one for $120-150.
    Last edited by FretFire; 01-24-2006, 03:36 PM.

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  • B2D
    Re: In search of "the" OD pedal...

    I've owned a Fulltone OCD since last May and this thing is the freakin' shiznat crap... I LOVE it and I've used it on pretty much every gig and every recording I've done since then. If you look under Fulltone OCD and my name with the forum search funtion you'll find a review I did.

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  • Nightburst
    Re: In search of "the" OD pedal...

    Rocktron Silver Dragon!

    I know I just started a thread about it being a little noisy but the thing has the mose incredible low end chunk a pedal could have! It's also fairly transparent and has a tube in the od circuit. It also has another switchable SS distortion stage on top of the tube od.

    It shure blows my modded Ts-9 out of the water.

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  • Justice4all
    Re: In search of "the" OD pedal...

    Originally posted by the guy who invented fire
    DAMN IT!

    Why did I click on that link!

    Those sounded pretty damn good!

    Which one do you have?
    Sorry for passing "gas" onto you! They are very cool products.... i have the Morpheus for that super saturated sound.... IMO its the best high gain pedal there is.

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  • Guitar Toad
    Re: In search of "the" OD pedal...

    I've been using a DS-1 one with my strat and I have really liked how the stock pedal sounds. I think it works great with a strat. It's presently getting Spinafied and will be even better.

    I haven't tried it but the Marshall JackHammer has been getting good reviews around here.

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