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Rock amps on a budget.

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  • Rock amps on a budget.

    It seems to me that this has been covered before, but I couldn't find it with the search function, so if you know where the thread is, point me in the right direction.
    Anyway - I'm a college student, so needless to say, I haven't got a ton of money. I play shows now and again and all I've got at the moment ampwise is a Marshall MG50 that I run my GT6 through. It sounds ok, but a)It can only push so much sound, b) it doesn't sound THAT good.
    I'm looking for an amp that can push a bit more sound, and sound better doing it. Tones I want - some clean (not picky here) and some distortion that can cover at least zeppelin kinda stuff. Anything beyond that I can get a pedal for if the amp can't cut it alone. I am trying to be as un-picky as I can since I want it on the cheap too. I've looked at Traynor YCV50Blue, Peavey Ultra Plus, DSL401, some others - all used of course. do you guys have any other suggestions/opinions?

  • #2
    Re: Rock amps on a budget.

    from the sound of it and the experience of other players here, I'd say the YCV50 Blue is definitely right up your alley...snag an extension cab for it and you should be rocking out with a 2x12 50 watt setup that should KILL for tones
    Originally posted by Jakob Dylan
    It's a little gross to put yourself in every song. I mean, how interesting do people really think you are?
    Originally posted by LesStrat
    Paris Hilton's psychiatrist... Now that's gotta be an easy job. Kinda like being an auto mechanic in an Amish community.


    • #3
      Re: Rock amps on a budget.

      thanks for the input - I've heard nothing but good things about the traynors. Do you know how gainy they can get? (without sounding mushy)


      • #4
        Re: Rock amps on a budget.

        Indeed. Traynor is the way to go. I'll never play another brand again.


        • #5
          Re: Rock amps on a budget.

          I'm only familiar with the YCV40 (1x12 and 2x10 versions)...and man they sound GREAT and get a pretty ungodly amount of gain and stay pretty smooth and crisp throughout the ranges. I don't find them mush, but my ears aren't as "cultured and refined" as some of our forum brethren I think it's got a great gain tone....I can only imagine that would be a bit more enhanced with the EL34 version in the YCV50 Blue
          Originally posted by Jakob Dylan
          It's a little gross to put yourself in every song. I mean, how interesting do people really think you are?
          Originally posted by LesStrat
          Paris Hilton's psychiatrist... Now that's gotta be an easy job. Kinda like being an auto mechanic in an Amish community.


          • #6
            Re: Rock amps on a budget.

            Great tones for cheap?

            Keep your GT-6, get an Avatar 2x12, and get a used Peavey Classic 60/60 power amp.
            Ain't nothin' but a G thang, baby.


            • #7
              Re: Rock amps on a budget.

              I second the power amp + cabinet route.

              If you still want to get an amp, I'd pick the DSL 401. Mind you, I haven't played the other amps you mentioned.


              • #8
                Re: Rock amps on a budget.

                I would say the TRAYNOR YBA-1, Peavey 5150 or Classic 50 (I have not heard the Ultra or Triple X), SD Convertible, Marshall DSL heads, Mesa Boogie Heartbreaker, F30/F50, and Maverick models all go as low as $600 or less.

                Hey, what can I say - I used to ONLY buy cheap amps.

                Rivera KNUCKLEHEAD - they go as low as $650 and they sound totally PRO - gorgeous clean, big gain, works in any type of music.
                1973 Les Paul Standard
                1973 Marshall Super Lead 100


                • #9
                  Re: Rock amps on a budget.

                  I love the Crate Palominos! The V32 and V16 are great amps! If you're looking for something a little below 50 watts the V32 is perfect. Great for Zeppelin and classic rock/blues-rock. Cleans are pretty good too. And there's a solo boost that boosts the mids and volume.
                  The G.B. Kirch Band on Facebook!
                  And Here on Bandcamp!
                  Crankin' a Gibson Les Paul and a Fender Strat into a Crate V32, in an attempt to deafen those who don't enjoy good ol' fashioned blues and rock n' roll


                  • #10
                    Re: Rock amps on a budget.

                    i was in the exact same boat as you a couple weeks ago, i played tons of amps and decided upon an Ashdown Fallen Angel 2x12 60 watt combo. The cleans are pretty good, crank the gain on the clean channel and you get some slight breakup. But the crunch and distortion is where this amp really shines. Very articulate and defined no matter how much gain you dial in. It would be something to consider, i'm very happy with mine.
                    Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus
                    Warmoth Musiclander (Invader/'59 model) see display pic <---
                    Jackon Pro Series Dinky w/OFR (EMG 81/60)

                    Marshall JCM 800 4104 (2xEminence Governor)

                    Visual Sound Route 808
                    Boss SD-1
                    Digitech Bad Monkey
                    Vox V-847 wah


                    • #11
                      Re: Rock amps on a budget.

                      get an ampeg vl 502 or 1002 lee jackson signature model, you can usally snag on on ebay for around $400.....its the amp zakk wylde started out with....
                      Originally posted by Gearjoneser
                      Put the two together, and make it Kambone.


                      • #12
                        Re: Rock amps on a budget.

                        Hey all - Thanks a bunch for the replies.
                        From doing a little looking on Ebay, I figure if I play my cards right, I can score a cool setup for $600, give or take. Not bad - I was expecting it would be more. The Peavey poweramps do look sweet, so that is one option I'll keep in mind. Olin - Those are some good options too. That Maverick looks sweet!


                        • #13
                          Re: Rock amps on a budget.

                          i really enjoy my peavy ultra (combo not the plus). it gets great cleans and you can go from slight to heavy overdrive. its quite versatile without sacrificing much.
                          Epiphone Dot (Seth/Seth)
                          Fender Hybrid Telecaster (APTR-1/JD)
                          Peavy Predator (aps2)
                          Squier Standard Jazz Bass
                          Seagull S6 CW Mahogany w/ L.R Biggs Duet II


                          • #14
                            Re: Rock amps on a budget.

                            I'd be using the gt6 for the preamp as others have said. Dunno about poweramps though


                            • #15
                              Re: Rock amps on a budget.

                              i own both a marshall mg50 and a traynor ycv50blue. though the traynor sounds better you can improve the sound of the mg50 by changing the speaker with better aftermarket ones like celestion or eminence.
                              2006 Gibson Custom '58 Reissue Les Paul

                              1991 Orville Les Paul Custom

                              2009 Squier Classic Vibe Stratocaster 50s

