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pedal chaining question

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  • pedal chaining question

    okay, well i have a SS peavey bandit 65, and i just bought a Bad Monkey Tube Overdrive pedal, i like the way it sounds, and i also bought a pedal board...y...i dont i have a bad monkey and a fender pedal tuner on my board, and i am looking for more pedals, what would be a good combination of pedals to add to this, i like the sound that the bad monkey gives me, but i'm thinking a wah...anything else that would sound nice...



  • #2
    Re: pedal chaining question

    It totally depends on the way you want to go, and the stuff you play with . . . you already have an OD pedal which is usually the first pedal that anyone will get.

    Delay - Great for a little extra space in a solo, can also do some cool time delay things (the Police - Every Breath You Take)
    Chorus - Everyone seems to use these on their clean channel to get some shimmer, I usually use mine only for the occasional jazz song.
    Wah - You probably need this if you play funk/reggae.
    Phaser - Depending on the phaser you get you can get a similar effect to a wah, but there's no foot control . . . good for older Pink Floyd type sounds. . .
    Compressor - Smooth out your playing, get Santanaish sounds out of your OD, also great for funk.
    Vibrato/Tremolo Pedal - Good for old surf stuff, old bluesy stuff, some CCR . . . probably my least used pedal.
    Flanger - I don't really like the sounds of most flangers . . . can be used in a similar manner as a phaser or chorus.
    Octave Pedal - Can make some cool sounds, but you don't want to use it all the time. ALSO - WILL NOT MAKE YOUR GUITAR SOUND LIKE A BASS . . . that's what I was originally hoping for, and I was disappointed.
    Noise Supressor - Clean up the signal if you have noisey pedals or a noisy guitar.
    Fuzz - Harder distortion for some different flavour.

    I like to put my effects in the following order:
    Phaser -> Overdrive-> Wah -> Distortion -> Compressor -> Vibrato -> Flanger/Chorus -> Delay

    As for what effect to get next, it's totally dependant on what you want to play/how you want to sound (I got an OD, then delay, then wah, then compressor, then vibrato, then phaser, then chorus . . . ) My rule of thumb is, learn to play at least 5 songs that you will use the effect on before you buy it. That way, you know that you'll have an effect that you can use and that fits with the things that you play.
    Join me in the fight against muscular atrophy!

    Originally posted by Douglas Adams
    This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.


    • #3
      Re: pedal chaining question

      Some modulating effects might be nice to have. Such as Chorus, Flange, Phasers. Also a Delay. If the amp has an effects loop it is ecommended to run your Delay/modulating effects thru the loop and the OD and Wah straight in. Depending on the effects power requirements you will also have to consider how you will power it all. Some effects require a lot more power than others. Common power supplies are:

      The DC Brick, Voodoo labs makes it I think

      Visual sound One Spot, This is a daisy chain type of setup. I use this because I don't use a lot of effects. I have a CE2, a DD3 and a TS9, Wah and a tuner. This is all powered with one plug to the wall. It works great and is very quiet.
      "So you will never have to listen to Surf music again" James Marshall Hendrix
      "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace."-Jimi Hendrix


      • #4
        Re: pedal chaining question

        Oh yeah, I forgot about powering all the stuff . . . if you're using adaptors (which you'll want to do if you build up your pedal collection) make sure that the total current draw from your pedals is less than the current provided by your adaptor . . . like a regular boss power adapter will give you 200mA to play with . . . most simple pedals (wah, OD, Distortion, Fuzz, analog delays, old chorus pedals/flangers/phasers) are between 4-20 mA. Most newer pedals (modelling pedals, digital delays, reverbs, new phaser/flanger/chorus pedals) are between 40 - 80 mA drains.
        Join me in the fight against muscular atrophy!

        Originally posted by Douglas Adams
        This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.


        • #5
          Re: pedal chaining question

          I'm in the process of building a new pedalboard and up until now, I've powered it from a daisy chain from a BOSS TU2 Pedal tuner.

          After dealing with this arrangement for several years, I've just bought 1 of these:

          It looks like it'll serve all my power needs, will be reliable, it's small wnough to fit on my pedalboard and I got it for the same price as a Godlyke Powerall (and the Diago had better reviews!)

          Just thought I'd throw it in as a suggestion for a power supply


          • #6
            Re: pedal chaining question

            so far i've found that my delay sounds better at the end of the effects chain (boost, ts-9, delay) than it does in the effects loop, but it's just so subjective that of course ymmv -- you might also want to look into a boost, clean or rangemaster-clone type -- i've got both and i'm still experimenting with them -- my clean boost is a bad bob and i may be using that as a presence sort of thing, with the ranger-clone (from byoc) as the actual boost.

