For those of you with a Peavey Wolfgang how did you go about wiring up the pups to split? I have a special and with only one volume and don’t want to drill any holes for switches or make any other cosmetic changes. Part of the Wolfies charm is its simplicity. But I would like to be able to split the pups to get a better clean sound. Just curious for those who have done so, how did you do it?
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How did you split the pups in your wolfgang.
Re: How did you split the pups in your wolfgang.
It's very easy to do with a 500k DPDT push/pull pot. You can pick one of those up for $10 just about anyplace that sells guitar parts. You can split both pickups to single coils using just one DPDT pot. The Wolfgang pickups sound very good split, very Strat-like. Are you familiar with guitar wiring at all? I can probably find and post a diagram that shows how to do it, but if you don't know what you're doing, take it to a tech. That's a simple mod, and it wouldn't cost very much to have a tech do it for you if you weren't sure how to do it yourself.
RyanOriginally posted by JOLLYI'm the reason we had to sign waivers
Re: How did you split the pups in your wolfgang.
The soldering I can do. I guess I would have to run extra wires from where the toggle switch is down to the push pull pot. Anyone want to make it easy for me and tell me the best way to wire that up? *grin*
Re: How did you split the pups in your wolfgang.
It's been about a year and a half since I took the stock pickups out of my Wolfgang, so I don't quite remember how it was wired at the factory. It's possible to run the bridge pickup wires straight to the control cavity, but either way, you'll need two longer pieces of wire to run from the control cavity to the pickup switch. Here's a diagram I grabbed from the Dimarzio site that shows how to split both pickups with one push/pull pot:
Remember that different manufacturers use different color codes:
On the Wolfgang pickups, the white and green wires should be taped together...these are the wires you'll use to do the split. The Dimarzio diagram shows the white and black wires being soldered to the push/pull switch, make sure you don't forget about the different color codes. White and green is what you'll need for the wolfgang pickups. I might recommend using shielded cable for the longer wire runs to avoid any noise, but any high quality wire should be okay.
RyanOriginally posted by JOLLYI'm the reason we had to sign waivers
Re: How did you split the pups in your wolfgang.
In that case, white and red are the wires you'll want to hook up to the switch. What pickups are you using in that guitar? Higher output pickups sound much better split than lower output pickups. By parallel wiring, I assume you mean the two coils of the pickup are put in parallel rather than series. I believe this is hum-cancelling, but I've never tried it, so I'm not sure what it would sound like. Either way, these wiring tricks work much better if you have high output pickups, or some way of boosting the signal. PAF-style pickups sound pretty weak when split.
RyanOriginally posted by JOLLYI'm the reason we had to sign waivers
Re: How did you split the pups in your wolfgang.
I have a PG in the neck and waiting for the PG for the bridge to come in and then the set will be complete. I was going to go for a special toggle that would make both pups split on the middle postition ala John Petrucci. But the push pull will give me a few more sounds to play around with.
Re: How did you split the pups in your wolfgang.
In that case, you may want to use some type of a boost pedal when you switch to single coil mode. A split Pearly Gates will probably sound good, but there will be a significant volume drop when the pickups are split. I don't bother splitting low output pickups unless I combine them in series as well.
RyanOriginally posted by JOLLYI'm the reason we had to sign waivers