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Marshall JCM 800 2210

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  • Push to Shuv
    Re: Marshall JCM 800 2210

    I dont know about the rarity of them, but i have one and it is orgasmic. When i bought mine no sound came out, i replaced one of the fuses and it plays like a dream.(the fuses were 4 for $3.

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  • Jeff_H
    Re: Marshall JCM 800 2210

    They're not rare, and are fairly easy to work on. There are a ton of guys who can work on the JCM 800's.

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  • joelap
    Re: Marshall JCM 800 2210

    You know, for whatever reason I used to see them all the time (2210's that is) at daddy's junky music, ebay, bargain news... well ever since I decided I was going to buy one to send to Jeff Seal, all the sudden they're all gone! Seriously, I have the ****tiest luck known to mankind.

    Oh well. I'm hoping i can find one at Daddys Junky Music used, because I have a friend who works there and said he would get me 50% off. I might even be able to trade my AVT50 head straight up for it at that price. Just gotta hope I can find one soon ******!

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  • Neeradj
    Re: Marshall JCM 800 2210

    Not really rare. I've bought one off eBay and got a PM from a dude who wants to trade me his too. That's like two 2210's in a month's time, but maybe I'm just lucky. These amps tend to sound more brutal compared to the others, but that's only what I've heard. Hope to test it and give you a review if/when it arrives this week

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  • Surgeon
    Re: Marshall JCM 800 2210

    I don't know if they're collectable or rare (I don't think so as they have clipping diodes which people tend to like less than the 100% tube JCM such as the 2204...etc...)
    But if it's repairable it's a nice amp. I have the 50watts combo version 4210 and I really really like it..

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  • CorruptedCrawford
    started a topic Marshall JCM 800 2210

    Marshall JCM 800 2210

    Are the Marshall JCM 800 2210 amps that were made in the late 80's rare? I put money down on one in my local guitar shop but it's broken and there's a chance it is irrepairable. If it is broken, would it be very difficult to find another one, or maybe even a 900 made from that same era in good condition?