About a decade ago, I refinished a guitar in Duplicolor Metallic/clear. After about five years, the finish started to check & relic itself - the checking is parallel to the grain.
However most vintage guitars seem to check perpendicular to the grain. Is there a cause for vertical vs. horizontal finish checking? Temp or humidity conditions that would induce one vs. the other?
(As an aside- I had a guitar refinished using ReRanch at the same time and it has not checked one bit. Really hope my recent-completed nitro finish on another guitar won't check either.)
However most vintage guitars seem to check perpendicular to the grain. Is there a cause for vertical vs. horizontal finish checking? Temp or humidity conditions that would induce one vs. the other?
(As an aside- I had a guitar refinished using ReRanch at the same time and it has not checked one bit. Really hope my recent-completed nitro finish on another guitar won't check either.)