One of the volume pots in my Les Paul crapped out the other day, marking the first time I have ever experienced an electronic component in a guitar fail, it was bound to happen eventually.
It's actually impressive they lasted as long as they did considering I've had the same guts in this guitar since I bought it used in like 2010, god knows how old they were by the time the guitar came into my possession.
Since the rest of the electronics are so old, and I've swapped the pickups probably a half dozen times, they're getting replaced as well (despite the fact that they honestly work just as well as the day I got them). So I hopped over to StewMac and filled up my cart and while I was doing so, I decided to go crazy and get a couple of push/pull pots for the tone knobs. I've never owned a guitar with any fancy switches before so I'm not sure how to wire them up.
Right now I'm deciding between:
a) independent coil splits for both pickups
b) master coilsplit/master phase inversion
c) a coil split for just the neck pickup and a phase inversion for just the bridge pickup
Anybody ever done this kinda thing in a Paul before? If so what did you find the most useful setup?
It's actually impressive they lasted as long as they did considering I've had the same guts in this guitar since I bought it used in like 2010, god knows how old they were by the time the guitar came into my possession.
Since the rest of the electronics are so old, and I've swapped the pickups probably a half dozen times, they're getting replaced as well (despite the fact that they honestly work just as well as the day I got them). So I hopped over to StewMac and filled up my cart and while I was doing so, I decided to go crazy and get a couple of push/pull pots for the tone knobs. I've never owned a guitar with any fancy switches before so I'm not sure how to wire them up.
Right now I'm deciding between:
a) independent coil splits for both pickups
b) master coilsplit/master phase inversion
c) a coil split for just the neck pickup and a phase inversion for just the bridge pickup
Anybody ever done this kinda thing in a Paul before? If so what did you find the most useful setup?