One of my longtime jazzer friends has been jonesing for a semi-hollow to gig with at the seedier places and outdoor shows he plays. I can understand Ed not wanting to take his ES-275 or Montgomery L-5 to places like that. He likes my Ibanez AS-73 loaded with Antiquities, and he has a set of 59's laying around doing nothing so things proceeded from there. It arrived about 4PM and by 5:30 I had it unboxed, restrung with a fresh pack of D'Addario strings, and laid my setup mojo down. It plays like butter and looks great. Ed can install the 59's later after he's "broken it in", so to speak.
Nice axe, huh?

By the way, kudos to whoever built this forum. It is the absolute easiest way to post pix off the old Dell.
Nice axe, huh?
By the way, kudos to whoever built this forum. It is the absolute easiest way to post pix off the old Dell.