Anyone have any experience with these? Im thinking of getting one of the tube ones. They dont seem TO expensive. I play blues rock, rock, shred, and stuff with a lot of heavy gain...any thoughts?
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Carvin Legacy amps...
Carvin Legacy amps...
-Epiphone Les Paul- Bridge-Dimebucker, Neck-Alnico Pro II
-Fender Show Master- Bridge-Pearly Gates, Neck- SH59.
-Takamine Acoutic/Electric Guitar
-12 String GK Guitar
-Epiphone Acoustic
-DSL 100 Half Stack, Avatar 2X12 Cab.
-Tube Screamer TS808, Marshall Blues Breaker 2, Ibanez DL10 Digital Delay, Boss GE-7Tags: None
Re: Carvin Legacy amps...
I've played the 2x12 Legacy combo. It was ok. Very Loud, ok cleans , and ok overdrive. I had a 2x12 Carvin Tweed Bel Air that I liked MUCH BETTER !!!! The Bel Air was smoother, and sounded better, at least to me. I think the Legacy would be ok for Harder edged stuff, but it lacked character. Go to , and listen to the Bel Air vs. the Legacy. I honestly think the Bel Air is the better amp. This is just my opinion, but listen to both. The Bel Air was kinda like having a Marshall and a Fender all in one package, was Super Reliable !!! I carried it on the Road for 3 years without a problem.Only The Strong Survive
*Spina Pedal Mods Endorsee*