Hey guys. I just got amy Fender Blues Deluxe. The previous owner claims to have replaced the tubes a few weeks ago.
I was wondering if you could tell me if they were corect and what I could expect from them.
The reason I am asking is I had a friend play through it and he was telling me the clean was starting to breakup arround 4 on the volume. Is that the tube or the speaker. The speaker is stock it says Fender made by eminance
The tubes are electro harmonix 2, 6l6EH and three
12AX7EH They look new but I wouldn't know.
A little Chart on the inside of the cabinet shows it calls for
2, 6L6GC/5881 and 3, 12AX7A the ones in there don't
have the A after the 7
Thanks for your time
I was wondering if you could tell me if they were corect and what I could expect from them.
The reason I am asking is I had a friend play through it and he was telling me the clean was starting to breakup arround 4 on the volume. Is that the tube or the speaker. The speaker is stock it says Fender made by eminance
The tubes are electro harmonix 2, 6l6EH and three
12AX7EH They look new but I wouldn't know.
A little Chart on the inside of the cabinet shows it calls for
2, 6L6GC/5881 and 3, 12AX7A the ones in there don't
have the A after the 7
Thanks for your time