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NG*D (Gilbert)

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  • NG*D (Gilbert)

    This morning, I received this package.
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ID:	6038751
    Inside, was this guitar and some literature. I've never got literature with a guitar before.
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    Click image for larger version

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    The only issue I have is with the nut...
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    ... which is so poorly slotted, it's lucky I need to flip that to left handed, otherwise I might be annoyed by it.

    One final question, why is my guitar designed to give me cancer?
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    And just for the sake of scale proportions, etc.
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ID:	6038755
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Very nice.

    Everything causes cancer these days, didn't you know?

    The manufacturers put those labels on everything they sell just to protect themselves from suits. Someone could be playing the bar circuit for 20 years, smoking a pack each night, drinking a half dozen beers, then one day get cancer and find that there could have been an ingredient in the paint on his guitar that may have been able to cause some type of cancer (not necessarily the type that the player got), and he could still successfully sue the manufacturer if he wasn't warned that this could happen.

    It's a crazy world we live in these days.

    The irony is that because these warning labels are on everything (even products which could never cause cancer in 10 lifetimes), people just ignore them and don't give heed to the really valid warnings.
    Originally Posted by IanBallard
    Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


    • #3
      PAINT! Of course, the paint... I should've seen the warning signs.


      • #4
        Looks like a fun guitar. And GAS gives you cancer.


        • #5
          Originally posted by beaubrummels View Post
          Looks like a fun guitar. And GAS gives you cancer.
          I can't "play" play it yet, because it's still strung righty, but I was messing around with bends before and I'm really looking forward to putting extra time into playing this thing.


          • #6
            That's really a fine looking guitar. What is the scale length? That comparison pic makes the Squire look like a 6 string bass. Lol.
            Originally Posted by IanBallard
            Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


            • #7
              I bought a Paul Gilbert Mikro when they were first released. Incredibly fun, but I did mod it. Pulled the very hot pickups and installed Lace Double Gold Duallys, and changed out the tuning machines for a set of Gotoh 21:1 tuners to slow down the tuning on the short scale axe.
              aka Chris Pile, formerly of Six String Fever


              • #8
                Originally posted by GuitarDoc View Post
                That's really a fine looking guitar. What is the scale length? That comparison pic makes the Squire look like a 6 string bass. Lol.
                564mm/ 22.2"

                It's also 24 frets, which, along with the Paul Stanley Mikro (fun's fun, but flipping one of those to lefty is too much a task), is longer than most short scale guitars I've seen.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ICTGoober View Post
                  I bought a Paul Gilbert Mikro when they were first released. Incredibly fun, but I did mod it. Pulled the very hot pickups and installed Lace Double Gold Duallys, and changed out the tuning machines for a set of Gotoh 21:1 tuners to slow down the tuning on the short scale axe.
                  Reading some of your posts regarding the guitar helped push me in the direction of looking past the f-holes (one tiny thing that was holding me back) and purchasing.

                  Have you changed the nut at all? It's not exactly cut badly, but there's bits kind of hanging off it. When I remove the strings I'll probably just have at it with nail scissors. Also, it's loose. As in, I shouldn't be able to push it back in place with my finger. But I can.


                  • #10
                    Seems to be a lot of "Mikro" content on the forum lately. It's kinda nice to see these embraced. I have the "baby" Strat. They are fun at the right time. Enjoy.


                    • #11
                      What is this a guitar for antz?

                      I kid I kid.

                      looks super fun. Can you describe the tonal and playing differences once you get used to it?

                      although, once you get to that scale -a cool option would be a Steinberger type head/nut -so that it's a full backpacker style!

                      that way you can riff anywhere at a moments notice like a gunslinger headed to the saloon.
                      “For me, when everything goes wrong – that’s when adventure starts.” Yvonne Chouinard


                      • #12
                        Can you tune to A440 and remain in tune up and down the neck or does it need to be tuned differently?


                        • #13
                          By all accounts, those are great instruments. Congrats!
                          Administrator of the SDUGF


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ErikH View Post
                            Can you tune to A440 and remain in tune up and down the neck or does it need to be tuned differently?
                            It's factory strung with 10-46 and tuned to standard E. Others have reported they needed 11's to do same.


                            • #15
                              Have you changed the nut at all? It's not exactly cut badly, but there's bits kind of hanging off it.
                              It needed a complete setup from the factory, but it was fun and acceptable for awhile. When I modded it, I also went to a light top-heavy bottom set to even out the string tension.

                              Speaking of baby Strats.... Fender makes a baby Jag now... Which I have to explore when I find one.

                              I also own several of Washburn's Lyon / Disney short scale kids guitars with a 22.5" scale. I put good tuners on, install some Duncans, and turn them into great rock machines. I've also sold a bunch of them to local players looking for some short scale fun. They come in a number of paint schemes, and are easy enough to change if you desire.
                              Last edited by Chris Pile; 12-15-2020, 10:26 AM.
                              aka Chris Pile, formerly of Six String Fever

