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Tuning stability on a Blacktop Stratocaster

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  • Tuning stability on a Blacktop Stratocaster

    I have a 2010 Fender Blacktop Stratocaster in cherry (MIM). The tuning stability isn't terrible but it could certainly be better - it only takes one overly hard strum on the E string to knock it way out of tune.

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    Was wondering where to start re upgrades, it's all stock Fender hardware. Am I right in thinking the tuning heads are the best way to start? What brand would you all recommend?

  • #2
    I am a huge fan of Sperzel locking tuners. I have them on a lot of guitars. However, on one of my MIMs I have Fender locking tuners on another, I have Guitar Fetish locking tuners. I put the Guitar Fetish tuners on because I had them laying around and put them temporarily on a build knowing I would replace them later. That was 10 years ago and they are still on the guitar. I have had no problems with them whatsoever.


    • #3
      Is it properly set up? That "overly hard strum" is not causing some binding at the nut, or a similar issue - is it? Just do not want to see the parts swap expense if it is not necessary.
      I miss the 80's (girls) !!!

      Seymour Duncans currently in use - In Les Pauls: Custom(b)/Jazz(n), Distortion(b)/Jazz(n), '59(b)/'59(n) w/A4 mag, P-Rails(b)/P-Rails(n); In a Bullet S-3: P-Rails(b)/stock/Vintage Stack Tele(n); In a Dot: Seth Lover(b)/Seth Lover(n); In a Del Mar: Mag Mic; In a Lead II: Custom Shop Fender X-1(b)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Securb View Post
        I am a huge fan of Sperzel locking tuners. I have them on a lot of guitars. However, on one of my MIMs I have Fender locking tuners on another, I have Guitar Fetish locking tuners. I put the Guitar Fetish tuners on because I had them laying around and put them temporarily on a build knowing I would replace them later. That was 10 years ago and they are still on the guitar. I have had no problems with them whatsoever.
        Thanks v much, will look at these

        Originally posted by JamesPaul View Post
        Is it properly set up? That "overly hard strum" is not causing some binding at the nut, or a similar issue - is it? Just do not want to see the parts swap expense if it is not necessary.
        That has crossed my mind, I might take it somewhere to get it professionally set up. I'm a bit crap at anything other than truss rod adjustments set-up wise to be honest.


        • #5
          You also might want to consider a new bridge. I am a huge fan of Babicz. They are pricey tremolos, but if you are budget concerned, they have a Z-Series that is very budget-friendly and has all of the features of their more expensive bridges.


          • #6
            nut and tuners are the first things id check, as mentioned. its possible the bridge could be part of the issue but fairly unlikely.


            • #7
              Yeah, any friction points should be looked at. I like the Graph-Tech stuff, but it does slightly change the sound of your guitar.
              Administrator of the SDUGF


              • #8
                i dont usually have tuning issues at the bridge but i do have breakage issues. even my les paul has graphtech saddles for that reason


                • #9
                  Are you properly stretching the strings when you change them? After that, the setup issues like nut, bridge, etc... I wouldn't go changing hardware until you understand what is going on, you may be replacing the wrong parts.


                  • #10
                    Suggesting hardware change as the first solution to tackle tuning issue is a dumb idea, must be the setup, check friction points as some suggested. I have a Mexico Strat with the same hardware as yours, never have any tuning issue.


                    • #11
                      ive definitely had old, cheaper tuners start to slip. friction points are absolutely the place to start as long as you are doing a good job of stretching the strings once you put em on.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jeremy View Post
                        i dont usually have tuning issues at the bridge but i do have breakage issues. e
                        My MIM Strat had a horrible bridge that would not reset properly when I used the term. If I tuned it up and played, no problems. If I touched the bar it was a guess as to where the tuning would land. That is when I got the first Babicz.


                        • #13
                          im not a big trem user so that usually isnt an issue for me, but obviously could be for those that do


                          • #14
                            I've decided I'm gonna start by replacing the tuners with Sperzel Trim Loks, and get a set up done while I'm at it. Is it worth replacing the nut too? Going to hold off on upgrading the bridge for now as they are expensive!


                            • #15
                              How do you use the bridge? Block, deck, float, use it, ignore it?

                              First step is ALWAYS the nut. It needs to be cut well and lubricated.

                              My main Strat is an odd amalgamation of MIM neck (like the Hendrix model but pre branding) meaning MIM nut and vintage style tuners, and post-2008 American Standard trem (so 2 post and stamped saddles). After cutting the MIM nut and lubricating it, the guitar stays in tune fantastically for everything except really crazy dive bombs.

                              So yeah, polish and lube the nut and other friction points first and see where you end up before replacing hardware.
                              Oh no.....

                              Oh Yeah!

