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I have a confession to make (LTD and Gibson content)

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  • #31
    my guitar heros, clapton, allman, gibbons, green, slash, walsh, betts, haynes, for example, all played standards or similar guitars. i cant imagine im the only one


    • #32
      Originally posted by jeremy View Post

      ive never really wanted a custom, i appreciate the look, but id rather have a standard any day
      I want a black custom., a 68 black custom..


      • #33
        I like Standards better too, if I must be honest.

        I used to not like burst finishes, but I suppose age is starting catch up with me. I still don't love those bright red, orangey, or completely yellow Les Pauls, though. I'll take tobacco or dark bursts.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Rex_Rocker View Post

          I think you misread my post. My Gibson is chambered, but it sounds slightly better, both plugged in and acoustically. It doesn't lack sustain whatsoever, although it is more focused and tighter, but that could be attributed to other factors like the Maple neck, the Maple top which the EC doesn't have, the bridge being closer to the bridge pickup, the slightly thinner body (Studios and Tributes are thinner than Standards), etc. I don't mind the chambering whatsoever. I don't think it has a negative effect on my guitar. It's probably the best-sounding guitar I've owned.

          I got the EC used, so no idea how or if it was setup prior. But I doubt they'd sell a used plek'd guitar for the price that I got it for. I do like the plek'ing on the Gibson, but I can get about the same low action on both. I don't know if LTD's are setup by ESP like PRS SE's are setup by PRS, but all the LTD's I've owned played great.
          If you thing chambered is better than non-chambered that's your preference and cred.

          I doubt any asian made guitars are PLEK'd as if you'd appreciate it anyway.

          I'm out. I'll go learn more cover songs while thinking I'm a real musician. Maybe a steinberger or plexiglass guitar will help me nail sweet child of mine to no audience.


          • #35
            Originally posted by esandes View Post
            If you thing chambered is better than non-chambered that's your preference and cred.
            I don't have a preference, really.


            • #36
              Originally posted by esandes View Post

              If you thing chambered is better than non-chambered that's your preference and cred.

              I doubt any asian made guitars are PLEK'd as if you'd appreciate it anyway.

              I'm out. I'll go learn more cover songs while thinking I'm a real musician. Maybe a steinberger or plexiglass guitar will help me nail sweet child of mine to no audience.
              man, if the military could bottle your energy we'd have a pretty potent nerve agent


              • #37
                LTD wins cuz of the pointy lower horn
                "Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen

                I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra

                Originally posted by Rodney Gene
                If you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.


