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scratchy pots

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  • scratchy pots

    does anyone know of ways of solving this problem besides replacing them? preferabally with something around the house so i wouldnt have to buy anything. would WD-40 work?

  • #2
    Re: scratchy pots

    WD 40 isn't the right product for that..Get some cleaner from Radio Shack...Something like tuner cleaner and very sparingly use it and see if it fixes your problem...If not replace the pot and be done with it...A good pot will cost you around $5 to $6 or so...Go easy...Less is more with these cleaners.Don't drown the pot with lots of cleaner running all over the place..

    Amps: 66 Fender BF Pro Reverb Combo,1973 50 Watt Marshall Head,Marshall 4x12 A/V Cab,Vox ToneLab LE,Vox VTH Valvetronix 120 Head,Vox AD 2x12 Cab,Roland Cube 20X

    Guitars: Several Stratocasters,2 Fender Telecasters,Gibson SG Standard,Tokai Love Rock Les Paul,Dean Acoustic.

    Pickups: SD SSL2,SSL5,Twangbanger,Antiquity Surfers,59N,Seth Lover N/B,Dimarzio Fred,Dimarzio VPAF N,Fender Fat 50s,Fralin SP43 Bridge,Brobucker,Antiquity Texas Hot.


    • #3
      Re: scratchy pots

      Listen to this dude^^^^^ he knows what he's talking about. I've performed many of his mods and I love it (like the save alot of hastle no load tone pot). And welcome to the forum, even if you do hate single coils (humph)
      This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections. - St. Augustine of Hippo


      • #4
        Re: scratchy pots

        Originally posted by beandip
        Listen to this dude^^^^^ he knows what he's talking about. I've performed many of his mods and I love it (like the save alot of hastle no load tone pot). And welcome to the forum, even if you do hate single coils (humph)
        Thanks Beandip...Hey no need to swell my head up too big...Just here to get answers and help others my friend...Appreciate the nice post though.. Glad I was able to help you out buddy..

        Amps: 66 Fender BF Pro Reverb Combo,1973 50 Watt Marshall Head,Marshall 4x12 A/V Cab,Vox ToneLab LE,Vox VTH Valvetronix 120 Head,Vox AD 2x12 Cab,Roland Cube 20X

        Guitars: Several Stratocasters,2 Fender Telecasters,Gibson SG Standard,Tokai Love Rock Les Paul,Dean Acoustic.

        Pickups: SD SSL2,SSL5,Twangbanger,Antiquity Surfers,59N,Seth Lover N/B,Dimarzio Fred,Dimarzio VPAF N,Fender Fat 50s,Fralin SP43 Bridge,Brobucker,Antiquity Texas Hot.


        • #5
          Re: scratchy pots

          no prob John. I really like the no load pot, saved me alot of trouble w/ my ******* Fender dealer. If I played w/ pedals and needed one modded, you'd be the one I'd send it to. LOL
          This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections. - St. Augustine of Hippo


          • #6
            Re: scratchy pots

            Originally posted by beandip
            no prob John. I really like the no load pot, saved me alot of trouble w/ my ******* Fender dealer. If I played w/ pedals and needed one modded, you'd be the one I'd send it to. LOL
            Thanks brother,that's very nice...You know how to hook up with me if I can help you in anyway...

            Amps: 66 Fender BF Pro Reverb Combo,1973 50 Watt Marshall Head,Marshall 4x12 A/V Cab,Vox ToneLab LE,Vox VTH Valvetronix 120 Head,Vox AD 2x12 Cab,Roland Cube 20X

            Guitars: Several Stratocasters,2 Fender Telecasters,Gibson SG Standard,Tokai Love Rock Les Paul,Dean Acoustic.

            Pickups: SD SSL2,SSL5,Twangbanger,Antiquity Surfers,59N,Seth Lover N/B,Dimarzio Fred,Dimarzio VPAF N,Fender Fat 50s,Fralin SP43 Bridge,Brobucker,Antiquity Texas Hot.


            • #7
              Re: scratchy pots

              thanks John. Sorry for jackin your thread here singlecoilhater. But hey, you're getting lots of bumps. LOL
              This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections. - St. Augustine of Hippo


              • #8
                Re: scratchy pots

                Originally posted by singlecoilhater
                does anyone know of ways of solving this problem besides replacing them? preferabally with something around the house so i wouldnt have to buy anything. would WD-40 work?
                If your pots need replacing then that's what they need as worn pots get a lot of carbon that breaks up and does that junk ... However if they just started doing it, it could just be crap in the pots, dust sawdust, etc., for me Craig Deoxit D5 is what I use, it's a great cleaner,and lubricant as well. You can take a cloth and spray the end of a guitar cable, wipe it, and *see* the difference right away. Any electronics supplier will stock it, Digikey, and MCM both carry it, as well as Newark I believe ... good stuff, never got it on a pickguard or pup cover, so I would be careful with it there. Also that Radio Shack tuner cleaner/degreaser works well,but I don't think it lubricates, and leaves the protective coating that the Craig does.It most certinly doesn't clean thru the oxidation as well.
                ::::To sound reinforcement engineer::::
                ... What? ... ::::snicker:::: ...Yes, ... Right, ...
                Could we please have everything louder than everything else ? ...


                • #9
                  Re: scratchy pots

                  Originally posted by Kent S.
                  . . . for me Craig Deoxit D5 is what I use, . . .
                  Yup, the best there is. The downside is, you aren't likely to have any laying around the house, and its a bit pricey.

                  But, its the right tool for the job. I pre-condition all my pots and switches with this.

                  Caig Labs


                  • #10
                    Re: scratchy pots

                    i use krylon tf tuner & contact cleaner.... no idea if they still make it my bottle is going strong still and it's from 91. Does clean up pots and switches beautifully.


                    • #11
                      Re: scratchy pots

                      Originally posted by ArtieToo
                      Yup, the best there is. The downside is, you aren't likely to have any laying around the house, and its a bit pricey.

                      But, its the right tool for the job. I pre-condition all my pots and switches with this.

                      Caig Labs
                      Yep...I have the Deoxit box that has a whole assortment of different sprays and lubricants,but the original post leaned towards keeping things simple and inexpensive from what I got out of it....Radio Shack is always reachable...I use the Caig stuff and it's great..I don't skimp or cut corners with my gear!

                      Amps: 66 Fender BF Pro Reverb Combo,1973 50 Watt Marshall Head,Marshall 4x12 A/V Cab,Vox ToneLab LE,Vox VTH Valvetronix 120 Head,Vox AD 2x12 Cab,Roland Cube 20X

                      Guitars: Several Stratocasters,2 Fender Telecasters,Gibson SG Standard,Tokai Love Rock Les Paul,Dean Acoustic.

                      Pickups: SD SSL2,SSL5,Twangbanger,Antiquity Surfers,59N,Seth Lover N/B,Dimarzio Fred,Dimarzio VPAF N,Fender Fat 50s,Fralin SP43 Bridge,Brobucker,Antiquity Texas Hot.


                      • #12
                        Re: scratchy pots

                        Originally posted by STRATDELUXER97
                        Yep...I have the Deoxit box that has a whole assortment of different sprays and lubricants,but the original post leaned towards keeping things simple and inexpensive from what I got out of it....Radio Shack is always reachable...I use the Caig stuff and it's great..I don't skimp or cut corners with my gear!

                        Amps: 66 Fender BF Pro Reverb Combo,1973 50 Watt Marshall Head,Marshall 4x12 A/V Cab,Vox ToneLab LE,Vox VTH Valvetronix 120 Head,Vox AD 2x12 Cab,Roland Cube 20X

                        Guitars: Several Stratocasters,2 Fender Telecasters,Gibson SG Standard,Tokai Love Rock Les Paul,Dean Acoustic.

                        Pickups: SD SSL2,SSL5,Twangbanger,Antiquity Surfers,59N,Seth Lover N/B,Dimarzio Fred,Dimarzio VPAF N,Fender Fat 50s,Fralin SP43 Bridge,Brobucker,Antiquity Texas Hot.


                        • #13
                          Re: scratchy pots

                          Originally posted by STRATDELUXER97
                          . . . but the original post leaned towards keeping things simple and inexpensive from what I got out of it....John
                          Heh - very true. Sometimes you can find these little bubble-pack things at hardware stores checkout.


                          • #14
                            Re: scratchy pots

                            What, no recommendations for knob rolling?
                            Romans 3:23; 6:23; 5:8; 10:13; 10:9-10

                            Complaining that there are hypocrites in church is like complaining that fat people use the gym. Where else would you have them be?


                            • #15
                              Re: scratchy pots

                              Originally posted by STRATDELUXER97
                              Yep...I have the Deoxit box that has a whole assortment of different sprays and lubricants,but the original post leaned towards keeping things simple and inexpensive from what I got out of it....Radio Shack is always reachable...I use the Caig stuff and it's great..I don't skimp or cut corners with my gear!

                              True enough John, and Art, but I find that the Caig generally does pay for itself, and you use less of it ... I hear of some guys just soaking the pots or switches in the stuff, wasteful and unecessary ... however just about ever other person on the planet makes some kind of contact cleaner/lube ... were things really get confusing is when the offer *slightly* different compounds that have *slightly* better performance over others for certain metals ... can get confusing. One thing I don't recommend (although it might get one out of a spot on a pot that's just about gone) is cleaning with WD-40, or just using a cleaner that doesn't contains a lube. Some cleaners are made to almost strip down the metals/carbon to clean them, and take away any lube/protective coating that was there. However a bit of tuner cleaner Ala Radio Shack, and then a little CRC 3-36 (or 5-56 if you can still get it) as a lube/portective coating is nice, especially in saltwater areas as the 5-56 (I think that was the one) was made for corrosive salt/ionic ... high humidity enviroments ... works a bit better on metal than WD-40, and tends to be a bit more gentle on carbon, and conductive plastics. I used to work on and around boats ... so that's were the CRC got introduced.
                              ::::To sound reinforcement engineer::::
                              ... What? ... ::::snicker:::: ...Yes, ... Right, ...
                              Could we please have everything louder than everything else ? ...

