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Is the Line 6 Duoverb being discontinued?

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  • InstituteOfNoise
    Re: Is the Line 6 Duoverb being discontinued?

    If you decide on the Flextone III line, remember that they have an upgrade out now to version 1.1 that is great improvement. One's on the stores now are just version 1.0. The upgrade takes about 5 minutes once you download the software form Line 6 and run it via a MIDI connection to your computer.

    Mostly there were major cab revoicings, some effect modelling upgrades. Also replaced were a couple of amps. The JCM800 went from a tock one to I believe a Soldano or Bogner modded JCM800. Also the DSL2000 was replaced with a TSL2000. It may be the other way around, but I think that's it.

    All in all, it is a great upgrade improvement!

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  • Mike M.
    Re: Is the Line 6 Duoverb being discontinued?

    After reading what Gordon said about starting all over again once you turn the master volume knob down.....I don't know. Maybe I'll check out some of the other models. But then who know's? I may find one and love it. Thanks for the responses to all.

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  • Wattage
    Re: Is the Line 6 Duoverb being discontinued?

    I was on the fence when I saw the price drop but I didn't go for it, I know they have the heads at MF for $400 which isn't bad at all. I am really interested int he Flextone III line, they may get me yet.

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  • gordon_39422
    Re: Is the Line 6 Duoverb being discontinued?

    With the release of the Flextone's, the Duoverbs are selling at $500. I picked mine up THE DAY they dropped from $1800 to $500. There was a guy in the store who purchased one a few months earlier and he was really p!ssed. It is a VERY versatile amp with 16 different amp models and you can combine them or split them through two different channels simultaneously. I really like the simplicity once you get used to the knobs. There is a stereo effects loop if you want to add effects, but I do everything through the front. The "flight manual" has pictures and specifications of the exact amps that were used to created the digital algorithms. Beware, though. Normally solid state amps give you the same tone at any volume. However, the Duoverb is a modelling amp the emulates nearly EVERY characteristic of the tube counterparts. By this I mean that it responds to volume just like my tube amp does. I find a tone I like and turn down the master and poof... back to the drwaing board. Other than that small nuisance, I still have not completely realized the full potential of the amp. For 5 big bones, you cant go wrong for a simple arsenal of amps. NOT very protable, though!!

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  • InstituteOfNoise
    Re: Is the Line 6 Duoverb being discontinued?

    You can pick up one pretty darn cheap! They were selling on Musicians Friend fro 75% off list at one time.

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  • Mike M.
    Re: Is the Line 6 Duoverb being discontinued?

    Hmmm. Maybe I should consider checking one out if it's not to late. I personally like the idea of the Duoverbs simplicity. For me the simpler the better. I can't believe all the bells and toot's on some of these amps. Not that that's a bad thing, but give me a nice full sounding clean and a warm rocking distortion with a dash of reverb and I'm a happy camper.

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  • Gearjoneser
    Re: Is the Line 6 Duoverb being discontinued?

    Institute is probably right. Plus, one of the best things about modeling amps is the versatility, and not many people were interested in a non versatile modeling amp. It had some retro appeal, but retro guys don't buy those amps, normally. I really dig my Vox AD60 head for home practice, but really wish it looked exactly like the Duoverb head, mostly because it would look better on my Bogner 2-12 cab than the weird looking blue trapezoid head. Ha Ha.

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  • InstituteOfNoise
    Re: Is the Line 6 Duoverb being discontinued?

    I believe it was due to marketing judgement. It actually is one of the best sounding amps of theirs for that geeramtion of modelling. It was designed to have the dual amps feature, but no effects. This way guitar players who didn't want all the bells and whistles, could get just the amp modelling. It just didn't sell as well as they expected is my though.

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  • Mike M.
    started a topic Is the Line 6 Duoverb being discontinued?

    Is the Line 6 Duoverb being discontinued?

    I was checking out some of the sound samples yesterday at the Line 6 site and I thought some of the samples sounded pretty good. But I thought I heard somewhere that this model was soon to be discontinued. Anyone know for sure and why? Reliablilty issues or something else? Thanks.