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New Pedal Day

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  • Agileguy_101
    Re: New Pedal Day

    Yeah that makes sense. No harm now foul.

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  • EDX
    Re: New Pedal Day

    i think is another case of missclick, i'm pretty shure stratman post was for the pedalboard thread

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  • Agileguy_101
    Re: New Pedal Day

    I'm not sure how that relates to my post at all...

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  • Stratman
    Re: New Pedal Day

    I use a TriAxis into a 2:90...

    I do have this pedal board that needs completion, moving a few around and connecting cables... prior to using it in the loop.
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  • Agileguy_101
    Re: New Pedal Day

    Thanks Jerry, I appreciate it.

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  • MetalManiac
    Re: New Pedal Day

    I dig your playing man.Worthy!

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  • Agileguy_101
    Re: New Pedal Day

    I was using my 68 Bassman and either my V30/Greenback Avatar 4x12 or my drip edge Dual Showman 2x12 with a Cannabis Rex and a Texas Heat... most likely the 2x12. Either way, it's pretty far from a Mesa. But this pedal is just straight up rad. Thanks for the compliment. It's understandable that it may sound Santana-esque in some spots, as the graphic EQ really lets you dial in that tone should you desire it.

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  • TwilightOdyssey
    Re: New Pedal Day

    Well, that sounded really nice! Kinda Santana-ish in some spots. What amp did you use? It really retains that MESA sound ...

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  • Agileguy_101
    Re: New Pedal Day

    Long overdue, but I finally haz clips!

    This is not meant to be a demo of the Mesa Flux Five by any means. It's just me and some friends getting together and jamming. I'm using one of my PRSi on this track... I want to say it was my WLH loaded McCarty. I used a few different effects here and there, but IIRC the Mesa was on the whole time.

    And yeah, my bassist is using a Bass VI. It's awesome and makes for rad guitar/bass interplay.

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    Last edited by Agileguy_101; 12-29-2014, 12:31 PM.

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  • El Supremo
    Re: New Pedal Day

    Originally posted by SongsForTheDeaf View Post
    what is the difference between the Mesa 5 band EQ and say a Boss Graphic EQ ???

    Don't need another gain pedal as I am happy with my Bass Big Muff PI + Malekko Sloika stack but I have been interested in getting an EQ for awhile for fine tuning or even as a huge mid boost option.
    The frequencies and bandwith. It's pretty hard getting a crappy sound with the Mesa EQ, something the Boss can do a lot better and easier.

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  • SongsForTheDeaf
    Re: New Pedal Day

    what is the difference between the Mesa 5 band EQ and say a Boss Graphic EQ ???

    Don't need another gain pedal as I am happy with my Bass Big Muff PI + Malekko Sloika stack but I have been interested in getting an EQ for awhile for fine tuning or even as a huge mid boost option.

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  • Agileguy_101
    Re: New Pedal Day

    I wasn't able to get my rig together in time for work, so it looks like I'll just have to wait until Tuesday to really open up the Mesa. Oh well, I can wait two days.

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  • Matt42
    Re: New Pedal Day

    Originally posted by Agileguy_101 View Post
    I can understand why you would say that about the Flux Five playing it at low volumes. I get the same impression, but I can tell from my second or two of accidentally having the volume too high that it will really open up once you get to gigging volumes. I'm going to take my board, amp, and a few axes to work with me tomorrow so I can crank it after work at my boss's warehouse. That will give me a great idea of what sounds and feels like at gigging volumes. And hopefully I'll be jamming on tuesday, so I'll find out how it works in a band mix. I'll report back after each of the experiences.

    And yeah, it's just awesome having the Mesa EQ in a pedal. If I had the space, I'd love to have the standalone eq.

    That's good to hear. I really liked what I heard when I played it. But it was with an unfamiliar guitar through an Express 5:25+ at the shop, and I was keeping it pretty low (it still sounded really good).

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  • That90'sGuy
    Re: New Pedal Day

    Originally posted by ArtieToo View Post
    Interesting that they would add bass/treble controls to a graphic EQ. Oh well, looks sweet anyway.
    Essentially what it does is allow you to bypass the slider EQ using the standard two tone knob EQ on either/both the low or/and high gain channels. There are pros and cons of both designs. I, personally, use the low side without the slider EQ since it's a bit fatter that way and set the higher gain side to cut with the EQ on. Nice flexibility with this one.

    You can also considerably roll back the gain and have almost a clean boost thing happening with it and still have plenty of gain on tap if you wanted to kick it in. The volume knob itself is at unity at around 9 o'clock so there's a heck of a lot even on just the low side to make your notes jump out.

    I'm looking forward to hear how it cuts in the band mix Jordan
    Last edited by That90'sGuy; 10-25-2014, 06:59 PM.

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  • Agileguy_101
    Re: New Pedal Day

    I can understand why you would say that about the Flux Five playing it at low volumes. I get the same impression, but I can tell from my second or two of accidentally having the volume too high that it will really open up once you get to gigging volumes. I'm going to take my board, amp, and a few axes to work with me tomorrow so I can crank it after work at my boss's warehouse. That will give me a great idea of what sounds and feels like at gigging volumes. And hopefully I'll be jamming on tuesday, so I'll find out how it works in a band mix. I'll report back after each of the experiences.

    And yeah, it's just awesome having the Mesa EQ in a pedal. If I had the space, I'd love to have the standalone eq.

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