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Lets see those pedal boards you are using right now.

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  • Originally posted by Little Pigbacon

    How do you like it? Are the reverb and volume/master tapers pretty manageable?
    Much better than they used to be. IMO, this version of the HRD is far better than the previous three. Better speaker, pine cabinet. The drive channel is better. It's not perfect, but very usable to me.


    • Originally posted by Butch Snyder View Post

      Much better than they used to be. IMO, this version of the HRD is far better than the previous three. Better speaker, pine cabinet. The drive channel is better. It's not perfect, but very usable to me.
      They fixed A LOT of the things that I always hated about those amps with the Series IV version. I've had a lot of the older ones on my bench for repairs and mods.

      I really hope that the Series IV version will have a more reliable reverb circuit! Time will tell for that, I guess.


      • Click image for larger version

Name:	20220429_154142.jpg
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ID:	6169953 I put this board together for recording my bass direct and for quiet practice with headphones.


        • Originally posted by Little Pigbacon

          Did they fix that stupid thing with those ceramic resistors baking the circuit board?
          Probably not. Fender will probably develop a software fix for that and quickly abandon the whole thing shortly afterward.

          They will probably jack the prices up again too.


          • Originally posted by Butch Snyder View Post
            Here is mine now.......
            Gotta love the CS9


            • Originally posted by Little Pigbacon

              Software fix? You mean on the long-awaited Tone Master Hot Rod series?
              Nah, I was just being an ass. I haven't been terribly impressed by Fender lately.

              The Hot Rod Deluxe costs like, $1,000.00 now. For a thousand dollars, any amp had better be reliable. The fixes to the volume and reverb control tapers on the Series IV Hot Rods are definitely welcome but I am still skeptical about the long term reliability of these.


              • Added a cheap noise gate to mess around with, and moved everything over to a Voodoo Lab Dingbat medium pedalboard

                Click image for larger version

Name:	board (2).jpg
Views:	356
Size:	131.5 KB
ID:	6170134
                "If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough" -Mario Andretti

                "Cuz we both know I'm just a lost cause, a wannabe poet with a cheap guitar, begging for applause"


                • Originally posted by v8stang289 View Post
                  Added a cheap noise gate to mess around with, and moved everything over to a Voodoo Lab Dingbat medium pedalboard

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	board (2).jpg
Views:	356
Size:	131.5 KB
ID:	6170134
                  Two analog delays? How come?


                  • Originally posted by Blille View Post

                    Two analog delays? How come?
                    2 different amps, 1 in the loop of each amp.
                    "If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough" -Mario Andretti

                    "Cuz we both know I'm just a lost cause, a wannabe poet with a cheap guitar, begging for applause"


                    • I've come a long way in the (roughly) year and a half since this was posted. You can read all about it here, but the TL;DR is that any tap-dancing is too much if you're also singing in addition to playing guitar. The separate clean and dirty loops allowed me to set up a few of the sounds in advance, but others required 2-3 button presses to go from one sound to the next while playing. NO MORE.

                      In the drawer I have the same Pedal Power Mondo, Phase 90, Tumnus, and GT-500. My vintage CE-2 has been replaced with a Waza Craft, and the vintage CS-3 with an Origin Effects Cali76. My custom color Homebrew UFO has been replaced with a standard example, which in turn has been modified to make the octave externally-switchable. The MXR Micro Flanger, TC Flashback 2, and Strymon Flint have all been replaced by a TC G-Major 2 in my amp's (typically Marshall 2525H) effects loop. I may not have quite the same tremolo options, but I've been able to replace all of the other sounds I used in a setup that requires exactly ZERO tap-dancing.

                      On the floor I have the same Holeyboard Evolution Wide (with the platform removed), EB Volume pedal, Korg Pitchblack Portable, and Wilson Signature wah in the fancy Vox Union Jack case. They've been joined by an RJM Mastermind GT/16 that handles all of the switching duties.

                      Signal flow is as follows:
                      Guitar -> EB Volume -> Wah -> Pedalboard Interface -> Rack Interface -> GCX 'Guitar In'
                      Loop 1: Origin Effects Cali76 Compact Deluxe
                      Loop 2: MXR EVH Phase 90
                      Loop 3: BOSS CE-2W
                      Loop 6: Homebrew Electronics Ultimate Fuzz Octave
                      Loop 7: Wampler Tumnus
                      Loop 8: Fulltone GT-500
                      -> Marshall 2525H input -> FX Send -> TC G-Major 2 -> FX Return -> 2525H output -> Two Notes Torpedo Captor 16 -> Pass thru -> Egnater Rebel 112X w/ Eminence Wizard 16.

                      Loop 4 switches the amp channel, while loop 5 switches the UFO octave. Currently the Captor is used for silent recording with the cabinet disconnected, but I'm planning to add a BOSS IR-200 to allow me to go to FOH without a mic.
                      Originally posted by crusty philtrum
                      And that's probably because most people with electric guitars seem more interested in their own performance rather than the effect on the listener ... in fact i don't think many people who own electric guitars even give a poop about the effect on a listener. Which is why many people play electric guitars but very very few of them are actually musicians.


                      • Originally posted by dystrust View Post
                        I've come a long way in the (roughly) year and a half since this was posted. You can read all about it here, but the TL;DR is that any tap-dancing is too much if you're also singing in addition to playing guitar. The separate clean and dirty loops allowed me to set up a few of the sounds in advance, but others required 2-3 button presses to go from one sound to the next while playing. NO MORE.

                        In the drawer I have the same Pedal Power Mondo, Phase 90, Tumnus, and GT-500. My vintage CE-2 has been replaced with a Waza Craft, and the vintage CS-3 with an Origin Effects Cali76. My custom color Homebrew UFO has been replaced with a standard example, which in turn has been modified to make the octave externally-switchable. The MXR Micro Flanger, TC Flashback 2, and Strymon Flint have all been replaced by a TC G-Major 2 in my amp's (typically Marshall 2525H) effects loop. I may not have quite the same tremolo options, but I've been able to replace all of the other sounds I used in a setup that requires exactly ZERO tap-dancing.

                        On the floor I have the same Holeyboard Evolution Wide (with the platform removed), EB Volume pedal, Korg Pitchblack Portable, and Wilson Signature wah in the fancy Vox Union Jack case. They've been joined by an RJM Mastermind GT/16 that handles all of the switching duties.

                        Signal flow is as follows:
                        Guitar -> EB Volume -> Wah -> Pedalboard Interface -> Rack Interface -> GCX 'Guitar In'
                        Loop 1: Origin Effects Cali76 Compact Deluxe
                        Loop 2: MXR EVH Phase 90
                        Loop 3: BOSS CE-2W
                        Loop 6: Homebrew Electronics Ultimate Fuzz Octave
                        Loop 7: Wampler Tumnus
                        Loop 8: Fulltone GT-500
                        -> Marshall 2525H input -> FX Send -> TC G-Major 2 -> FX Return -> 2525H output -> Two Notes Torpedo Captor 16 -> Pass thru -> Egnater Rebel 112X w/ Eminence Wizard 16.

                        Loop 4 switches the amp channel, while loop 5 switches the UFO octave. Currently the Captor is used for silent recording with the cabinet disconnected, but I'm planning to add a BOSS IR-200 to allow me to go to FOH without a mic.
                        That took some serious planning. Well done! Nice to see Homebrew Electronics represented. The UFO is one of my top 5 pedals of all time.


                        • Love it !!!!
                          Guitar pedalboard porn !!!!


                          • Click image for larger version

Name:	Big Board Large.jpg
Views:	331
Size:	106.4 KB
ID:	6177920

                            Latest configuration of the big board. Still getting to grips with the Polaron at the moment.

                            Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it's a plan!


                            • My latest flavor, repost from Ace's thread


                              • Swapped a few in and out yesterday

                                Click image for larger version

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Size:	108.6 KB
ID:	6178097

