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Lets see those pedal boards you are using right now.

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  • Originally posted by Seashore View Post
    I've had this configuration going for a while. I intended it as a "master board" that would work for recording and both bands I play with. I plug into the Wampler EQ as a first step - mostly as a boost for my basses since I took the preamps out - and then everything else is before the HX Effects. The HX unit has patches set up for 4 cable mode for my guitar rig (VHT Pittbull 100CL) and parallel processing to two separate outputs for my bass rig (Traynor YGL 3 Mark III).

    It's neat not having to swap pedals around depending on who I'm jamming with, and it's great having most of the important stuff saved as presets so I don't have to worry about bumping as many knobs by accident when I'm recording. It's also a lot less noisy than my old bass board. But it's still not ideal. I'm thinking of replacing the Wampler with a Source Audio EQ2, so I can have separate presets for basses and guitars. I never wind up using that Maxon OD for anything except goofing around, which is a shame because it's great; really I could probably run my guitar rig with just the HX unit and a tuner, since I'm not using my "real" pedals there anyway. And although I hate admit it, this setup didn't have the bite or mojo that my old bass pedalboard setup did when I finally used it full volume at rehearsal a little while ago. Might be time to get more creative again.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	LHGPaMb.jpg
Views:	520
Size:	75.5 KB
ID:	6208801
    Very nice! I am just using an HX Effects and expression pedal for my main board. But in your case, nothing really does what those HOGs do.
    Administrator of the SDUGF


    • Originally posted by Mincer View Post

      Very nice! I am just using an HX Effects and expression pedal for my main board. But in your case, nothing really does what those HOGs do.
      I love the HOG. Such a cool and flexible pedal. It really shines on bass. The foot controller is awesome, too, six patches right at my foot-tips. I think the HX Effects is great too, and extremely convenient. I have no complaints... I just hope I can squeeze some more definition and zinginess out of it for my bass setup.
      Take it to the limit
      Everybody to the limit
      Come on Fhqwhgads


      • I got everything wired up. It took a little bit to dial in the MOOG like the MXR Micro Flanger, but I got it pretty damn close. I could easily nail it with a bit more time and patience. From what I remember, I have not used this amp with this pedal configuration since probably '86 or so. I was able to pull up all of the tones from my old band's set, the good, the bad, and the ugly.


        • My current Pedal Board:

          Click image for larger version

Name:	thumbnail_PXL_20221204_222354258.jpg
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Size:	117.7 KB
ID:	6209034
          "It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain


          • I still use that Small Stone- it sounds better than a Phase 90 to me.
            Administrator of the SDUGF


            • Originally posted by Mincer View Post
              I still use that Small Stone- it sounds better than a Phase 90 to me.
              I bought it used for $50. Phenomenal value. The small stone combined with the SD Catalina Chorus is pretty tasty.
              "It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain


              • Always loved the sound of a Small Stone on a Fender Rhodes.


                • I think I'm finally happy with all the sounds on my board:
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	52628686692_0a80df903f_b.jpg
Views:	295
Size:	102.5 KB
ID:	6215414

                  Guitar -> Dunlop 535Q -> Fuzz Faceish pedal I built with hi/low tone controls -> Fulltone Deja Vibe -> Korg Pitchblack Custom Tuner -> Moore E-Lady -> JHS PG-13 Distortion -> Boss BD-2w -> Amp in

                  Amp send -> Xotic SP Compressor -> Seymour Duncan Deja Vu Delay -> Empress Tremolo -> Amp Return

                  Took me a long time to figure out that I like the sound of modulation after fuzz but before OD/Distortion . . . and compression after all gain and in the loop.
                  Join me in the fight against muscular atrophy!

                  Originally posted by Douglas Adams
                  This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.


                  • looks sweet!


                    • Just put this together a few days ago. Getting to know the Dr. Z and the M-EQ Driver. The M-EQ is like magic or something. It just makes everything sound better.


                      • Originally posted by SlyFoxx View Post

                        Just put this together a few days ago. Getting to know the Dr. Z and the M-EQ Driver. The M-EQ is like magic or something. It just makes everything sound better.
                        How's that reverb sound?

                        Sent from my SM-A115A using Tapatalk


                        • The reverb is great but the thing goes from 0-Surf by 9 o'clock on the level knob. Room/Spring/Plate all sound realistic and it's certainly well built.


                          • Originally posted by GuitarStv View Post
                            I think I'm finally happy with all the sounds on my board:
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	52628686692_0a80df903f_b.jpg
Views:	295
Size:	102.5 KB
ID:	6215414

                            Guitar -> Dunlop 535Q -> Fuzz Faceish pedal I built with hi/low tone controls -> Fulltone Deja Vibe -> Korg Pitchblack Custom Tuner -> Moore E-Lady -> JHS PG-13 Distortion -> Boss BD-2w -> Amp in

                            Amp send -> Xotic SP Compressor -> Seymour Duncan Deja Vu Delay -> Empress Tremolo -> Amp Return

                            Took me a long time to figure out that I like the sound of modulation after fuzz but before OD/Distortion . . . and compression after all gain and in the loop.
                            What does the EXP pedal control?


                            • Originally posted by Securb View Post

                              What does the EXP pedal control?
                              Vibe. Gotta get my jimmy on.
                              Join me in the fight against muscular atrophy!

                              Originally posted by Douglas Adams
                              This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.


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