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Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

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  • Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

    The guitar used is a tele style one from the comments.
    Switchable OD/Distortion/Fuzz (toggles are a tone scoop and then a germanium/lifted/silicon switch)

    The guy says it cleans up well and since it is made to order custom and he can actually throw on a blend switch to help retain clean tone and low end for bass or for more subtle "non-Sleep" stuff.

    The demo isn't that extensive and the OD remains on full gain, but what do you guys think of it? Obviously some parts of the demo get super hairy when he starts stacking all 3 at once. Supposed to be $275 shipped.

  • #2
    Re: Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

    NICE . . . what is asking price on something like this ?

    EDIT : OK, saw the price ! NOT BAD !
    Tele, SG, LP Jr, '76 Ibanez Artist & Tokai LS92 + FUZZ boxes into a '66 AB165 Bassman & 2X12 (55Hz Greenbacks) / '73 Orange OR120 & 2X12 (V30 & SwampThang) / Orange Thunderverb 50 & PPC212 / Marshall Vintage Modern 50 & 2X12 Genz Benz g-Flex / Laney Klipp / Laney AOR Pro Tube 100

    "'s a tree with a microphone" - Leslie West


    • #3
      Re: Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

      They turned a one-channel tube monster into 3-channel fuzz box? They got pretty close with the tone but the controls and features are not very Green Matamp. I'd rather get the Holy Mountain.http://midnightamplificationdevices..../holy-mountain
      green globe burned black by sunn


      • #4
        Re: Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

        Originally posted by Empty Pockets View Post
        They turned a one-channel tube monster into 3-channel fuzz box? They got pretty close with the tone but the controls and features are not very Green Matamp. I'd rather get the Holy Mountain.http://midnightamplificationdevices..../holy-mountain

        Had to include the demo here. It is SUPER awesome.


        • #5
          Re: Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

          Originally posted by Falloffthebonetone View Post

          Had to include the demo here. It is SUPER awesome.

          BLOODY HELL . . . i like this one too !

          Never heard of this one before !
          Tele, SG, LP Jr, '76 Ibanez Artist & Tokai LS92 + FUZZ boxes into a '66 AB165 Bassman & 2X12 (55Hz Greenbacks) / '73 Orange OR120 & 2X12 (V30 & SwampThang) / Orange Thunderverb 50 & PPC212 / Marshall Vintage Modern 50 & 2X12 Genz Benz g-Flex / Laney Klipp / Laney AOR Pro Tube 100

          "'s a tree with a microphone" - Leslie West


          • #6
            Re: Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

            ******, that may be the exact fuzz sound I was looking for 2 years ago. haha
            Originally posted by Aceman
            It was the age of suave. Men were men, and women were smacked and thrown on the bed and loved it.


            • #7
              Re: Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

              Originally posted by Falloffthebonetone View Post

              Had to include the demo here. It is SUPER awesome.
              The first one didn't have it. To me, it sounds like it was voiced by someone who'd heard recordings of a Matamp, but has never heard one in real life.

              The Holy Mountain on the other hand brought back memories.

              Last edited by some_dude; 01-23-2016, 07:23 PM.
              || Guitar | Wah | Vibe | Amp ||


              • #8
                Re: Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

                Originally posted by some_dude View Post
                The first one didn't have it. To me, it sounds like it was voiced by someone who'd heard recordings of a Matamp, but has never heard one in real life.

                The Holy Mountain on the other hand brought back memories.

                One day . . . one day i WILL have my very own Electric

                Mark my words !
                Tele, SG, LP Jr, '76 Ibanez Artist & Tokai LS92 + FUZZ boxes into a '66 AB165 Bassman & 2X12 (55Hz Greenbacks) / '73 Orange OR120 & 2X12 (V30 & SwampThang) / Orange Thunderverb 50 & PPC212 / Marshall Vintage Modern 50 & 2X12 Genz Benz g-Flex / Laney Klipp / Laney AOR Pro Tube 100

                "'s a tree with a microphone" - Leslie West


                • #9
                  Re: Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

                  Originally posted by some_dude View Post
                  The first one didn't have it. To me, it sounds like it was voiced by someone who'd heard recordings of a Matamp, but has never heard one in real life.

                  The Holy Mountain on the other hand brought back memories.

                  That's exactly how i felt. The first pedal sounds kinda like Dopesmoker or whatever but it doesn't sound like my actual green Matamp... haha
                  green globe burned black by sunn


                  • #10
                    Re: Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

                    Ok so yeah, thought about buying the Holy Mountain, but decided 280 with shipping was just way too rich for my blood. BUT I forgot this was an Australian company... and it would be about $213 including shipping... so WOW.


                    • #11
                      Re: Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

                      $300ish is about right for truly awesome dirt boxes. Every time I've paid that much for a pedal it has met and exceeded my expectations.
                      green globe burned black by sunn


                      • #12
                        Re: Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

                        Sorry to ask such a noob question, but ... Ive never had the chance to hear or play a Matamp. But, I know many on this forum cherish them. What is the appeal? If Im picking up things correctly, sounds like a good amp for stoner stuff??
                        Believe me when I say that some of the most amazing music in history was made on equipment that's not as good as what you own right now.

                        Jol Dantzig


                        • #13
                          Re: Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

                          The ones based on '70s Orange/Matamp designs have huge transformers and a very '70s full range sound. Huge low end without mud. Not really good if you want tight, crunchy tones. Too fat.

                          One of their unique features is a FAC/Depth control, which is basically a high pass filter. As depth is increased more lows are inserted, the clipping becomes more square wave and it shifts from crunch to chunk. At its lowest setting its a thousand pound Big Muff.
                          || Guitar | Wah | Vibe | Amp ||


                          • #14
                            Re: Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

                            Originally posted by some_dude View Post
                            The ones based on '70s Orange/Matamp designs have huge transformers and a very '70s full range sound. Huge low end without mud. Not really good if you want tight, crunchy tones. Too fat.

                            One of their unique features is a FAC/Depth control, which is basically a high pass filter. As depth is increased more lows are inserted, the clipping becomes more square wave and it shifts from crunch to chunk. At its lowest setting its a thousand pound Big Muff.
                            What he said.

                            On the Orange Overdrive 120 I played, my favorite FAC setting was second from the top. In that position it sounded like a really aggressive and grind-y Marshall, but I've always been a Marshall guy.
                            Originally posted by crusty philtrum
                            And that's probably because most people with electric guitars seem more interested in their own performance rather than the effect on the listener ... in fact i don't think many people who own electric guitars even give a poop about the effect on a listener. Which is why many people play electric guitars but very very few of them are actually musicians.


                            • #15
                              Re: Green Matamp... in a pedal? I totally might pull the trigger on this.

                              Sounds interesting! Be something cool in the arsenal, but probably not something Id want as my main amp. So, yeah,to get that in a pedal would be knockers!
                              Believe me when I say that some of the most amazing music in history was made on equipment that's not as good as what you own right now.

                              Jol Dantzig

