I'm really curious about this pedal. I can't really afford to move my amp around a lot. I've ready and heard good things about it, but there is no way I can try it here. Has anyone tried it?
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AMT SS-11B: Anyone tried it?
AMT SS-11B: Anyone tried it?
Schecter E-1 FR S (Sustaniac/Apocalypse), LEF EXP (Mayhem Set), Schecter C-1 Classic (Jazz/Distortion), Squire Affinity Strat (Hotrails)
Peavey MX VTX, Bugera 333x Infinium
AMT SS-11BTags: None
Re: AMT SS-11B: Anyone tried it?
Yes, it's my amp. It's not really a pedal, it's a 3 channel preamp on the floor, but I think you get that. I have one on my pedalboard with a phase, flanger, and overdrive in front and a TC delay and reverb in the AMT's loop. The output goes to a ISP Stealth power amp for cabs or you can turn on the cab sim and run direct, unfortunately it's either or, there is only one output as opposed to the SS-30 which had separate outputs for power amp or cab sim.
It runs the tubes at the proper high voltages, not starved and sounds great. It has a lot of gain on the lead channel, but it kind of depends on what kind of music you play, it's more 80s/90s Vai, Lynch, maybe Moore type gain, I wouldn't quite call it modern metal.
FWIW, I've actually used the SS-11B, the SS-20, and the SS-30 and they all sound great, the 30 is FET and I really liked it too, they are all just different flavors.
The SS-20 is probably closer to modern metal than the 11A, the 30 can probably bridge the gap between the styles better, can get a little nastier than the tube ones. I actually had the 11A and the 30 at the same time and had trouble deciding which one to keep. The 20's downfall is that it's more 2-1/2 channels than 3, the crunch and lead channels have separate gain controls, but share the same volume control, although it may have been my favorite sounding one.
Hope this helps, lots of demos on youtube of all of them, definitely check them out, the demos by people that can actually play are pretty accurate.
Of course this video may nullify my statement about the 11b and modern metal.
Point is, I recommend all of them, depends on your style.
Re: AMT SS-11B: Anyone tried it?
Exactly. The reason I won't go for the SS-20 is because of that very reason. I want the crunch and lead to have separate volume controls like the 11B and 30. I like the 11B because of the fact that it is tube and it's sound wi great. Based on the demos, I fear that the crunch doesn't have enough gain for a thrash metal sound. I really don't want to have to push it either. I would have to sell my dist and od pedals for this. The 30 sounds great as well, but i'ts not tube. Why does it matter? Because I can only hear the difference between tube and great solid state in person, not through Youtube. Plus the whole "feel" thing... Which would you take between the two for thrash metal? This is what I play:
Schecter E-1 FR S (Sustaniac/Apocalypse), LEF EXP (Mayhem Set), Schecter C-1 Classic (Jazz/Distortion), Squire Affinity Strat (Hotrails)
Peavey MX VTX, Bugera 333x Infinium
Re: AMT SS-11B: Anyone tried it?
I like the SS-20 enough, it covers a wide range of tones for me really. If I want my rythm based on the crunch channel I tweak the EQ for that channel and set the lead gain to have the volume boost I need because that is what a lead channel is meant for in this scenario. For example I am playing some Eric Johnson tunes lately and it give me my the clean, crunch and lead tones (ok, maybe not the exact EJ tone but you get what I mean) just by stomping the foot switches, I just don't go crazy with the gains and trust me the crunch tones of the SS series is nice and versatile.
If I want to play metal rythm then I engage the Lead channel and EQ as needed and a boost (maybe a clean boost or a eq boost) after the SS-20 and before the ISP Stealth (I have it too) is the way to go as pushing an already heavily distorted lead channel won't give you more volume really and I think that happens with a lot of metal players out there.
So if you want more volume control the SS-11b sounds like your thing, but for that kind of metal I think a boost after the preamp is something you just cannot avoid to stand out for your soloing and I think that happens with any super distorted amp anyway.
Edit: For the SS-20 both the CabSim and the PreampOut work at the same time so you can have stage sound with a power amp and cabs while going to the mixer and PA for the venue sound. The SS-11b was updated last year so maybe you can send an e-mail to AMT Electronics support asking if new version can work simultaneous or not, they do reply.
Edit 2: Nevermind, I just looked at the AMT webesite for a picture of the new version of the SS-11b and it has only oune output with selectable siwthc for CabSim or PreamoOut so it is one or the other.Last edited by IMENATOR; 03-11-2016, 09:44 AM.Who took my guitar?
Re: AMT SS-11B: Anyone tried it?
If you are looking for a solid state preamp for really heavy metal then you can also look for the ISP Theta Preamp Pedal. I tried it once in "Guitar Gear" in DF, very close to the WTC, when I was testing my ISP Stealth power amp. I think it is great option for metal, if Dominus reads this thread I think he can further comment. Also AMT has some nice emulations R2 and P2 for Mesa Dual Rectifier and Peavey 5150 and the demos it is hard to hear the difference(I mean it sounds like the real amps), I think you can call "Quality Guitars" in Mexico city and check if they have any AMT pedals in stock to try.
By the way, I am hearing your album in youtube and soundks killer!!! When are you playing in Mexico city dude?Last edited by IMENATOR; 03-11-2016, 09:36 AM.Who took my guitar?
Administrator of the SDUGF
Re: AMT SS-11B: Anyone tried it?
The Palladium sounds great in the demos, but I think he is looking for a preamp to replace his amp, not sure what he is planning to run into, a power amp or direct. So, not sure how viable the Palladium is for his application (emilio?).
The ISP is killer too, I've tried that, but to use it as a preamp I had to build a custom footswitch for it to work for me because I don't want a preamp that goes to bypass and I don't want to have to hit 2 switches at once to make the change I want. It also doesn't have a cab sim but you can add a Red Box or something. That said, the footswitch is easy to build and I still have mine if anyone is interested.
I understand your concern about the crunch channel on the 11B, and you are probably right, it doesn't have as much gain. I would probably recommend the SS-30 for the tones you are looking for, and don't worry about the feel, it is there.
Also be aware that the SS-30 doesn't come with an 18V adapter, so you'll have to get one of those if you don't have one.
If you want metal, here is one, and he is using the crunch channel for rhythms.
Anyway, my <$0.02...
Re: AMT SS-11B: Anyone tried it?
Originally posted by IMENATOR View PostEmilio,
If you are looking for a solid state preamp for really heavy metal then you can also look for the ISP Theta Preamp Pedal. I tried it once in "Guitar Gear" in DF, very close to the WTC, when I was testing my ISP Stealth power amp. I think it is great option for metal, if Dominus reads this thread I think he can further comment. Also AMT has some nice emulations R2 and P2 for Mesa Dual Rectifier and Peavey 5150 and the demos it is hard to hear the difference(I mean it sounds like the real amps), I think you can call "Quality Guitars" in Mexico city and check if they have any AMT pedals in stock to try.
By the way, I am hearing your album in youtube and soundks killer!!! When are you playing in Mexico city dude?
Thanks a lot man! If you'd like you can download everything for free at our Facebook page. We play with Barón Rojo at La Sala on 4/24 and again in Mandrágora Metal Monsters, but we don't have a set date for that yet.Guitars:
Schecter E-1 FR S (Sustaniac/Apocalypse), LEF EXP (Mayhem Set), Schecter C-1 Classic (Jazz/Distortion), Squire Affinity Strat (Hotrails)
Peavey MX VTX, Bugera 333x Infinium
Re: AMT SS-11B: Anyone tried it?
Originally posted by devastone View PostThe Palladium sounds great in the demos, but I think he is looking for a preamp to replace his amp, not sure what he is planning to run into, a power amp or direct. So, not sure how viable the Palladium is for his application (emilio?).
The ISP is killer too, I've tried that, but to use it as a preamp I had to build a custom footswitch for it to work for me because I don't want a preamp that goes to bypass and I don't want to have to hit 2 switches at once to make the change I want. It also doesn't have a cab sim but you can add a Red Box or something. That said, the footswitch is easy to build and I still have mine if anyone is interested.
I understand your concern about the crunch channel on the 11B, and you are probably right, it doesn't have as much gain. I would probably recommend the SS-30 for the tones you are looking for, and don't worry about the feel, it is there.
Also be aware that the SS-30 doesn't come with an 18V adapter, so you'll have to get one of those if you don't have one.
If you want metal, here is one, and he is using the crunch channel for rhythms.
Anyway, my <$0.02...
The Palladium is a great sounding pedal. Thanks to that pedal I started looking for preamp types and then found out that preamps in pedal housings do exist. I loved the way the Palladium sounds but, no loop and two channels. If it had that, I'd go for it all the way! I really love the SD pedals. I want hte Vapor Trail, Catalina and 805.Guitars:
Schecter E-1 FR S (Sustaniac/Apocalypse), LEF EXP (Mayhem Set), Schecter C-1 Classic (Jazz/Distortion), Squire Affinity Strat (Hotrails)
Peavey MX VTX, Bugera 333x Infinium
Re: AMT SS-11B: Anyone tried it?
You could always run the SS-11b on the lead channel and put a cheap booster in the loop to raise the level for solos, the EHX LPB-1 is less than $50 or a MXR 6-band EQ for boost and some tone shaping.
Re: AMT SS-11B: Anyone tried it?
As the palladium does not have a cabsim output I don't think it is a problem it does not have an FX loop. The FX loop in the AMT is nice to get your same FX loop out to the power amp and the PA. In the case of the Palladium the output goes to your FX pedals then to a CamSim pedal to got to PA and power amp at the same time.Who took my guitar?
Re: AMT SS-11B: Anyone tried it?
devastone: Maybe an OD would work well enough to bring that gain from crunch to par. \m/
IMENATOR: I agree, then I'd have to buy more pedals which is something I'd like to avoid.Guitars:
Schecter E-1 FR S (Sustaniac/Apocalypse), LEF EXP (Mayhem Set), Schecter C-1 Classic (Jazz/Distortion), Squire Affinity Strat (Hotrails)
Peavey MX VTX, Bugera 333x Infinium
Re: AMT SS-11B: Anyone tried it?
It wasn't, but since ou mentioned getting other pedals (boost, eq) I though I might as well keep my OD. I guess tI didn't specify that.Guitars:
Schecter E-1 FR S (Sustaniac/Apocalypse), LEF EXP (Mayhem Set), Schecter C-1 Classic (Jazz/Distortion), Squire Affinity Strat (Hotrails)
Peavey MX VTX, Bugera 333x Infinium
Re: AMT SS-11B: Anyone tried it?
Originally posted by emilio View PostI guess... I Definately don't want to go solid state, that's why I'm so reluctant of getting the ss30. I wouldn't be using both house audio PA and amp, it would be either or. Those Legend amps sound amazing! I'd really like to go for the other preamps though, 3 channels, dual EQ and tube. I've never heard of that place. I'll look for it next time I go, I hope they do so I can try them.
Thanks a lot man! If you'd like you can download everything for free at our Facebook page. We play with Barón Rojo at La Sala on 4/24 and again in Mandrágora Metal Monsters, but we don't have a set date for that yet.and asked about the AMT tube based preamps in stock. Currently they have the SS-10 which is the rack version. Not sure if that is of your interest but the price the guy told me was very good for a rack preamp like this. The SS-11B is not there so you may need to order it or if you are lucky they will have more L1/L2 pedals comming some time next week but he said those pedals don't stay too long in stock. Good luck with your search.
Who took my guitar?