So I pulled the trigger and decided to get this two-in-one pedal to get me into a kind of eric johnson clean-with-effects territory and do far so good. The chorus has a wide range of tweakbility from slow and subtle to fast and wide, very versatile. The delay is hybrid, maybe that is why it is not as cool sounding as other analog delays I have tried like the Supa-Puss or DM2w, but I still like what I hear, from super short reverb like thru chord depth and ambience to about 500 msec to spice your solos, and both self-oscilation and infinite stable repeats are there too. The footswitches are super smooth and effortless, are close enough so you can turn both chorus and delay on and off in a single step effortless, one unexpected but very cool concequence of that is now I put the H2O next to my AMT SS-20 preamp and I can actually hit the clean/crunch footswitch from the preamp AND turn chorus/delay on/off at the same time with a single stomp -I just put my foot sideways- that I can easily switch from EJ like clean with chorus/delay to a dry drirty rythm.
So this pedal saved me from buying a switching device
and it is cost less than buying separate stereo-analog-chorus and analog-delay. I still need to do some home recording and play with it in rehearsal to see how it works in the mix of a real song.
So this pedal saved me from buying a switching device
