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Does Pedal Order Change With Loopers/Switchers?

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  • Does Pedal Order Change With Loopers/Switchers?

    For example Delay and Reverb pedals are preferred as last on the loop.

    Think about using a delay pedal with an overdrive pedal in the looper/switcher pedal.

    Loop 1 includes Overdrive and Delay.

    Loop 2 includes Flanger and Fuzz.

    (Loop 1 is before in the loop.)

    As you see that way you use Delay Pedal before other pedals. Although it should be the last.

    It's not just this example. I mean does prefered pedal order still apply with looper/switcher pedals?

  • #2
    Re: Does Pedal Order Change With Loopers/Switchers?

    Preferred pedal order is whatever order you want or need to get the sounds you want. There are no rules here.
    green globe burned black by sunn


    • #3
      Re: Does Pedal Order Change With Loopers/Switchers?

      I admit, I don't understand the question.
      Why don't you take your little Cobra Kais and get outta here?!
      My collaborative PROGRESSIVE ROCK PROJECT, As Follows.


      • #4
        Re: Does Pedal Order Change With Loopers/Switchers?

        Yes, unless your looper/switcher allows for adjustable presets (e.g. The gig rig g2). If not, then the pedals will be in series in the order of the loops. In the example above, with a linear looper, your delay is before the flanger and fuzz.

        Having said that "preferred pedal order" is a matter of taste (what you like) and application (what you're trying to get done) - there is no right or wrong answer.

        Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


        • #5
          Re: Does Pedal Order Change With Loopers/Switchers?

          "There is no right or wrong answer" is technically correct, but you also can't discount the pedal order the vast majority of users settle on... yes time-based effects typically go last, preferably in an effects loop (if your amp has a good one.)

          Now of course, not EVERYONE would agree with that but you would have to admit that if someone was just starting out and had no idea whatsoever then they would get fantastic results following "conventional wisdom" when it comes to pedal order.

          There is an excellent video (albeit very long) by Steve Vai out there somewhere that deals with this topic. It's worth watching.

