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Let's REVIEW those pedal boards you are using right now.
Four questions first:
1. Why are the pedals on the left? I think you have said this before
2. What do you do with the H9 vs 90
3. Round channel button for what?
4. Talk to me about your general use of dirt; What sound, what pedal combos, how often?
Gotta jump on line and do some work. Will return this evening.
Originally posted by Bad City
He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...
Originally posted by Aceman View PostFour questions first:
1. Why are the pedals on the left? I think you have said this before My wah has always been last in line because I use a VOL/Wah, I don't want it to buffer the overdrives/distortion when I lower the volume. I have become accustomed to having pedals on the left.
2. What do you do with the H9 vs 90 - What don't I do with the H9/H90? I just got the H90, so I am still working it into my set. Last night I used it on the VH stuff having CHORUS/Slapback on the H90, I also put a Rockman setting on it that worked for some of our 80's metal stuff. The H9 is being used to fatten/detune leads and add a splash of ROTARY, FLANGE or DELAY when needed, The H9 is also used for the ambient part of Whole Lotta Love
3. Round channel button for what? That is for the CHORUS on my JC120
4. Talk to me about your general use of dirt; What sound, what pedal combos, and how often? Gain is almost always on. The BBE is used to push the amp for early 60's stuff like The Yardbirds/CCR, The Liverpool is set up like a VOX Super Beatle and is used on my 70's arena rock stuff, Led Zep/Aerosmith, The Wampler is used on the heavier stuff in our set, Judas Priest/Anthrax and the Dirt Clod is set up as a lo-fi gain for Black Keys/Nirvana/White Stripes. I play in two bands that cover a lot of different music.
I do plan on stuff being moved around. The Carbon Copy is being moved off the board and the MOOG DELAY which is used as an EP Boost is being moved to the top level. The H90 is moving next to the H9.
Maybe I will repost when I move stuff around
Gotta jump on line and do some work. Will return this evening.
Originally posted by Securb View PostOkay Bob have at it
OK, out of the gate, as we all should know by now, presentation counts (as it does in life). Three freaking different pieces of carpet? Seriously, couldn't find a patch large enough to show the whole gigantic board on? Had you went with the blue stripe, I'd have at least give points for the blue stripe showing underneath. And what the hell are those flakes on the floor? Does someone have psoriasis, is that crackers, or scaly elbows or what??? Try a vacuum. Now that that is out of the way,,,
The BBE Freq boost is a cool pedal. In fact, a lot of BBE Pedals are real sleepers. I personally have a Tremor and a Green Screamer - both excellent. I'm not a fan of the green on the greyscale aesthetic going on, but they don't have a reissue, so I'll let it slide.
Liverpool for 70's, Dracarys for heavy, and the Dirt Clod period is a great and unique lineup. I dig the order of Freq, Liver, Darcy, and Dirt, and also nicely top justified. I am personally a fan of dirt down front, but since you said you were losing the
Run that random roaming grey cable underneath the board, and slide the Chorus button over a touch. No lower...hold that thought, I'll get to this in a moment.
H9 and H90 and you have a JC - WTF is the CC even doing there? I concur - lose that.
Now, If we are using the Moog as an EP boost and moving it to the top, I suppose that's a post gain solo boost. You answered this one yourself;
- Loose the Moog. I know you are a fanboy of whoever dies with the most knobs wins, but all that space and knobs for just "An EP Boost"
- Get an actual EP Boost, even a Chinese knock off, and place it below the Chorus switch lower right corner for easy boost access.
- Put the Moog on your odds and ends board.
I concur with moving the H90 down a row, especially with the three switches.
By the way - get a 90 degree cord for the Wah / Volume. But - Morely Wah Volume - nice!
I am inches away from getting one of those MXR boxes. How well does it work? I'm cool with that being off the board since it goes near the mic stand.
Overall, the wiring is fairly neat and nice. Only one other issue...and we all know what it is.
How about we take a board that is all in all pretty good, with I'll say 4 premium pedals, and put a real power source with it?
I get it - we have all been there. Heaven knows I have done that myself. But really....time to let go of the appropriately placed, but very "I'm a garage band rocker!" power strip and get something a musician would use.
As you say "Could I rock it?" Oh hell yes I could.
JC120 base clean + awesome chorus on demand
Pop Rock and Metal dirt available
H9 for all sorts of random but crafty swirls, and the H90 for delays and reverb out the wazoo
- Of course they do way more than that...and of course a Talk Box for Livin' On A Prayer!
You have came a long way since that bag-lunch mess earlier in the thread. Nice progress. You have some great boxes there. Nice to see you take a little more pride in them. Now power them up like they deserve and give that power strip to some guy running lights.
Originally posted by Bad City
He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...
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Originally posted by Aceman View PostI am inches away from getting one of those MXR boxes. How well does it work? I'm cool with that being off the board since it goes near the mic stand.
Originally posted by Aceman View Post
- Loose the Moog. I know you are a fanboy of whoever dies with the most knobs wins, but all that space and knobs for just "An EP Boost"
- Get an actual EP Boost, even a Chinese knock off, and place it below the Chorus switch lower right corner for easy boost access.
- Put the Moog on your odds and ends board.
I'll throw myself under the bus this afternoon:
Power is disconnected, but is a 3 barrel one spot and a proprietary T-Rex. Overhang is camera angle, it's actually perfectly aligned edge to edge.
Originally posted by Bad City
He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...
After "reviewing" everyone else's boards, you post this abomination of a pedal board? I will say you have balls. Two trems, a delay, and a drive? The only song I know of where you need that setup is The Smith's "How Soon Is Now" even in that case, the tremolos are parallel, so this is a complete fail if you are looking to get your inner Morrisey on. I know you reasonably well, so this could be a troll of mammoth proportions.
This is something you play around with at home. Or something you use to scare the dog. Either way, there is no way you gig with that board.
As far as the pedals go. The Driveomatic is very cool, I can never hate on gain. BBE, is another nice choice, a unique pedal that will give you your own flavor when everyone else out there is using a Carbon Copy or DD3. The TRE-VERB and Viper are cool but a bit redundant, don't cha think?
Do you just turn off the lights, grab pedals and whatever is on your board when you turn the lights on is what you go with?
I will say the threshold I hold everyone else board at is "could I rock that board". The answer is yes, I could rock that board. Now tell us why you really posted that abortion of a signal chain
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The Driveomatic is indeed cool - tight/loose switch, two gain levels and presence.
I use the Viper for more of a swirl/phase deal, fattening of leads or clean arpeggios.
The BBE is not a long delay, and it certainly takes some work to get the "right" two delay times with one feedback/level, but totally worth it.
The Tremolo for actual tremolo - pure volume-tude.
And yes - I plug into this when I'm playing blues lately. But - I would totally rock it at an open jam.
Originally posted by Bad City
He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...
Seeing as you have been raving about your POD Go, I figured that I'd pull this one out for a bit. It's a Line6 FBV longboard. It's controlling an old Bogner designed Spidervalve II 100 watt tube head.
Not all of the functions are available because it was designed to work with a Vetta amp. But I did figure how to use the loop function.
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Originally posted by Demanic View PostSeeing as you have been raving about your POD Go, I figured that I'd pull this one out for a bit. It's a Line6 FBV longboard. It's controlling an old Bogner designed Spidervalve II 100 watt tube head.
Not all of the functions are available because it was designed to work with a Vetta amp. But I did figure how to use the loop function.
Sent from my SM-A115A using Tapatalk
Originally posted by Bad City
He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...
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Originally posted by Demanic View PostIt's the glimpse of thigh, isn't it?
Sent from my SM-A115A using TapatalkOriginally posted by Bad City
He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...
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Originally posted by Fender_Punk View Post
I agree it's a very clever and useful switch if you want to bring one (kind of) guitar to a gig. That said I just haven't explored it much myself, having a Tele and a LP . If I only had a Strat or a LP I'd probably use it lots.
I updated the board after considering Ace's advice. I might have to get some 1ft cables to keep the chorus behind the phaser as I prefer phaser after chorus when both are on. Or the OCD goes back to the top row. I deem 1/3 overhang as acceptable, structurally and functionally. the mess of DC cables stays in place well and doesn't bother me. If it bothers you, either look away or cry more!
Also I will die on the hill of SD Catalina being the best chorus pedal ever. It's rich and versatile. I actually quite like the dynamic functions.
JOYO King Lobster Comp > SD Pickup BOoster > Soul Food > OCD > Small Stone > Catalina Chorus > Axle Grease > TU-3
Tuner at the start of the chain instead of the end.
Compressor before pickup booster (RIP resonance switch I never used)
Phaser after Chorus"It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain
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