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Let's REVIEW those pedal boards you are using right now.

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  • Originally posted by Aceman View Post
    And, back to "How is the MXR Talkbox?"
    Awesome! I tried a lot of them, and I like the MXR the best for a few reasons. It has built-in gain, so it replicates early talkbox tones when the guitarist had the pedal going into a guitar amp or had the box after the dirt in the signal chain. When activated, it shuts off the rest of the downstream signal chain. I have mine in the front of the chain. When we do Sweet Emotion, I can bang out the intro, when done I can simply step on the talkbox toggle, and the rest of my downstream signal chain is already set for the verse, and the talkbox shuts off with no tap dancing needed.

    Pros: The audience flips out when you use a talkbox, the sound, the tube in your mouth the whole thing has some great pageantry.
    Cons: If you have a one-channel amp like my JCM2000 or JC120H, you are going to need another amplification source for practice and live, PA, powered speaker, or combo amp.
    To note: The H9/H90 has a super realistic talkbox feature that sounds spot on. My band said they like the pageantry of the actual talkbox. I am ready to tell them to get over it and use the H90, one less piece of gear to set up.


    • My POD Go has one - but it just doesn't cut it.

      I can run straight into my Pod Go can't I? Guitar > TB > POD Go/Marshall....
      Originally posted by Bad City
      He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


      • Originally posted by Aceman View Post
        My POD Go has one - but it just doesn't cut it.

        I can run straight into my Pod Go can't I? Guitar > TB > POD Go/Marshall....
        Yes, but you need a microphone to pick up the hose and your mouth.


        • Originally posted by Securb View Post

          Yes, but you need a microphone to pick up the hose and your mouth.
          As I expected.

          Originally posted by Bad City
          He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


          • My current Church board, In the front a Boss CS-3 compressor and a Wampler Belle OD, In the loop Buffer, DD7 Boss Delay and a Neunaber Seriphim verb.
            Kiesel DC 135, Carvin AE 185, DC 400, DC 127 KOA, DC 127 Quilt Purple, X220C, PRS Custom 24, Washburn USA MG 122 proto , MG 102, MG 120.
            Amps PRS Archon 50 head, MT 15, Mesa Subway Rocket, DC-5, Carvin X50B Hot Rod Mod head, Zinky 25watt Blue Velvet combo.


            • Originally posted by Ascension View Post
              My current Church board, In the front a Boss CS-3 compressor and a Wampler Belle OD, In the loop Buffer, DD7 Boss Delay and a Neunaber Seriphim verb.
              Glad to see that Carvin footswitch front and center. Looks like a decent straightforward workingman board.


              • Originally posted by Demanic View Post

                Glad to see that Carvin footswitch front and center. Looks like a decent straightforward workingman board.
                Agreed. I’ll wait for the feedback about it needing to be tidier and stuff but you could certainly spend much more money and not do much more. The order of the pedals make sense as well.

                For worship the DD7 may not be the flavor of the month but it will get the work done and same with the Neunaber. I would definitely have external tap tempo, though. Not sure the buffer is necessary with several boss pedals.


                • Originally posted by Ascension View Post
                  My current Church board, In the front a Boss CS-3 compressor and a Wampler Belle OD, In the loop Buffer, DD7 Boss Delay and a Neunaber Seriphim verb.
                  Pray for forgiveness, my son...

                  [review forthcoming]
                  Originally posted by Bad City
                  He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                  • Comment

                    • Originally posted by JMP/HBE View Post
                      To quote a Roger Waters song - "You play the game with the bravery of being out of range"

                      -1 pt already for not posting a hardcore straight down photo of the board so everything is visible.
                      Originally posted by Bad City
                      He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                      • Originally posted by Ascension View Post
                        My current Church board, In the front a Boss CS-3 compressor and a Wampler Belle OD, In the loop Buffer, DD7 Boss Delay and a Neunaber Seriphim verb.
                        Alright. Obviously, the first problem here is that while you can change pickups and wire up a pedal board you all (and this is a few of you) can't take a picture worth a damn, even those your phone is so high def it could tell if I shaved my balls right through my jeans.

                        I see a lot of randomly colored colored and loose cables. Fix those. You all (and this is a few of you) should know to do that before even thinking of submitting a photo.

                        Pedal by pedal, the location location location:

                        Boss CS-3 - A lot of hate for this pedal in the world, but honestly, it works if you know how to work a compressor. Good location spot first...but hold on for the negative there in a minuet.

                        Wampler Belle OD? Really? Never heard of that. I see A FREAKING WAMPLER TUMNUS down there. I think. Because can't focus a Camera. Next time use AI to figure out WTF is on the board. An excellent choice if sacred transparent mythical OD is your thing. Except I'm wondering if you want the Belle Epoch instead...

                        Buffer. I'm not looking up the buffer state of all of those, but I'm guessing one of them is buffered. If so - l have another suggestion for what to buff.

                        DD7 - Great delay option.

                        Seraphim reverb - An intriguing choice. Now, I have never played a Neunabar reverb, But I know their reputation. And since you do Worship gigs, Shimmer is mandatory. This is a shrewd compromise between say a Strymon Big Sky, or other excessive verb pedals.

                        I have no idea what the big black box is but I hope it is power.
                        Guessing the little cube is the buff.
                        All of which pisses me off.
                        So they suck until I find out what they are and I'm not trying. And when I find out, I still think they suck.

                        And now for the order:

                        #1 I'm guessing the comp should be always on. Why not? Turn it on, put it in the back, and leave it out of the way

                        #2 Tumnus (Or whatever it is or you want it to be next. Fine.

                        #3 Amp channel with on the front line. Nice.

                        #4 Delay/Reverb last. Good

                        You could really rework this to a much more compact arrangement. Put the Comp in the backline, Move everything over. Just saying get a smaller board, or get more pedals. Either way.

                        As for the Grey Flannel Carvin....don't get me started.

                        Now - here is the really tough pill. I'm not saying this to be a hater, just calling it. I'm sure many others have had the same experience.

                        - You have posted a ton of vids all over related to various guitars, pickups, pedals. I'm just gonna say it. I can't hear the guitar in any of them. So I hear what you are saying - but I can't hear the guitar, let alone this/that tone.
                        Originally posted by Bad City
                        He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                        • Originally posted by Aceman View Post
                          Wampler Belle OD? Really? Never heard of that.
                          It’s Wampler’s take on the Nobel’s OD. It includes a bass knob which is handy with that circuit.


                          • Originally posted by Blille View Post
                            It’s Wampler’s take on the Nobel’s OD. It includes a bass knob which is handy with that circuit.
                            Oh the Mini...yeah.

                            Anyway, that isn't what he has.
                            Originally posted by Bad City
                            He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                            • Originally posted by Aceman View Post

                              Oh the Mini...yeah.

                              Anyway, that isn't what he has.
                              It's exactly what I have. The Nobels new full size version has an internal bass cut switch but the mini and first gen doesn't Why that matters is the Nobels circuit sounds fantastic with single coils but with humbuckers on some amps gets muddy at higher gain settings. The Wampler bass control solves that problem.
                              Kiesel DC 135, Carvin AE 185, DC 400, DC 127 KOA, DC 127 Quilt Purple, X220C, PRS Custom 24, Washburn USA MG 122 proto , MG 102, MG 120.
                              Amps PRS Archon 50 head, MT 15, Mesa Subway Rocket, DC-5, Carvin X50B Hot Rod Mod head, Zinky 25watt Blue Velvet combo.


                              • Originally posted by Demanic View Post

                                Glad to see that Carvin footswitch front and center. Looks like a decent straightforward workingman board.
                                Thanks for the foot switch brother you were a lifesaver here as the real ones are hard to find. I don't run a lot of effects and this set up is super simple and reliable.
                                Kiesel DC 135, Carvin AE 185, DC 400, DC 127 KOA, DC 127 Quilt Purple, X220C, PRS Custom 24, Washburn USA MG 122 proto , MG 102, MG 120.
                                Amps PRS Archon 50 head, MT 15, Mesa Subway Rocket, DC-5, Carvin X50B Hot Rod Mod head, Zinky 25watt Blue Velvet combo.

