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  • Jocelyn
    Re: clarification

    Ok that clears off my doubts thanksss

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  • Robert S.
    Re: clarification

    Tightness or focus is more of a feel than a tone issue, at least thats how I perceive it. Alnico II magnets tend to have a softer, spongier attack somewhat simular to punching a pillow. There is some give in the attack and a somewhat vowelish character to the tone.

    Ceramic magnets tend to have a very agressive and angular attack, more simular to punching a wall. When your fist hits the wall, you know it. There is no lag between the pick attack and the development of the tone.

    Alnico V magnets are somewhere in between.

    It's really not a warm or bright issue though and a Pearly gates pickup will be brighter overall with a softer attack on the bottom, while a Custom will be darker sounding with a tighter bottom end. The 59 will be brighter than a PG but will have a tighter bottom end. It's a combination of magnet types as well as other construction issues that will ultimately determine the agressiveness of the attack as well as the overall tone.

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  • Jocelyn
    started a topic clarification


    Hi all,
    Guys cloud u pls tell me what does "Thight Bottom End" mean . Does it mean a thick warm bottom ?