Ii just had a custom vs. jb with my axe. Btw it's a basswood ibanez rg550 with rosewood fretboard. i'm a bit confused about what i like more now.
The Custom sounds a bit cooler, more compressed and more scooped. I found it has more "crunch" but sounds a bit hollow in some situations. Very nice pu. It sounds more agressive and more metalish than the jb.
I have to check the custom in the band situation.
I think the JB will stay. It's really a keeper. It has erverything and nothing to much. And it has "the palm mute sound" (which make me always smile)!! . Custom palm mutes are imo flatter *edi*(less dynamic?!) with less characteristics.
Ii just had a custom vs. jb with my axe. Btw it's a basswood ibanez rg550 with rosewood fretboard. i'm a bit confused about what i like more now.
The Custom sounds a bit cooler, more compressed and more scooped. I found it has more "crunch" but sounds a bit hollow in some situations. Very nice pu. It sounds more agressive and more metalish than the jb.
I have to check the custom in the band situation.
I think the JB will stay. It's really a keeper. It has erverything and nothing to much. And it has "the palm mute sound" (which make me always smile)!! . Custom palm mutes are imo flatter *edi*(less dynamic?!) with less characteristics.