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is it truth?

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  • is it truth?

    i was reading about the duncan desingned in the schecter website, i have a schecter c1 silver top creme binding and its equiped with duncan desinged and it sounds pretty good very good i would say i think i has the hb 103 or something like that , i was reading in the website that duncan designed sound 95 % same as a real seymour duncan is this **** truth ??? let me tell u that my guitar sounds great i have other guitars i mean expensive and i got this c1 for a very good price used of course but in perfect condition
    Schecter C1 silver top, cream body binding , black hardware, loaded with EMG 81/81
    Epi Les paul honeyburst, loaded with Seymour Duncan DD (b) 59 (n)
    Ibanez Iceman ic300 , Stock pickups
    Yamaha Pacifica , stock
    epiphone acoustic
    marshall combo
    cry baby wah
    monster cables

  • #2
    Re: is it truth?

    For example find a another pickup that sounds "%80 same as a real duncan". Well then would it sound %15 same as the duncan designed or 1-0.15/0.95 or 1-0.15/0.80. ???

    Sorry couldn't resist.

    Let your ears be the judge. Afterall it is always wise not to believe / but to question that kinda marketing stuff. That said I have to add that I never compared a duncan designed with a comparable real duncan.

    FaceBook; SoundCloud; Barlo's Blues; Barlo Digitalized; Soundclick!;

