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Invader single coil

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  • starmaker
    Re: Invader single coil

    Thanks Korinastratkyle,
    Great info. !!!!!!
    Thats kinda what I was wanting to hear about the pup, I like
    playing on the verge of sonic meltdown ! Harmonics and feedback,
    their great when you play like I do (Crap for ability, but a lot of
    friends that dig the noise)
    Now if I can just get Mr. Duncan to make one of these things, HINT,
    HINT !
    Quarter pounder w/cheese, I like that !
    Do you really have a Korina Strat ?

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  • korinastratkyle
    Re: Invader single coil

    Originally posted by Dodger
    Imagine a humbucker version of the quater pounder singlecoil. We could call it the half pounder, the humbucker desinged for use in a strat.
    How about the Double Quarter Pounder? And if it had a cover, "Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese"! I can see the lawsuit now!

    Anyways, I bet a regular single coil with ceramic magnets and probably 43 AWG and 9,000(+ or - 500) winds would make a heck of a nice, heavy, bridge pup. The problem with that would be that the magnetic field of the pup would be rather strong, therefore pick up more noise, because of the round caps on the screws. You'd better either have a well shielded guitar, or make a stacked coil, humbucking version of it.

    I, in fact, basically made one. I took my Duncan Woody and put cap screws on it because I wasn't pleased with the output and there wasn't enough bass. This was basically a lower impedance, ceramic stacked single coil (7.2K in series, but it was in parallel at about 1.8K). I've since disassembled it. Maybe one of these days I'll reassemble this pup into a strat cover and try it in a solid body...

    Thought I'd mention, as I increase my knowledge in electronics, I'm starting to mess around with active electronics, designing and building my own preamps and such, so this might be interesting.
    Last edited by korinastratkyle; 12-10-2004, 05:22 PM.

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  • idsnowdog
    Re: Invader single coil

    GFS pickups makes a QP style humbucker called the Bigmouth I have one in a tele with 2 QPS and it is almost an exact match.


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  • rinse_master
    Re: Invader single coil

    Very cool, they sound intersting, Muy Grand seems almost like a p90 hb by the description

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  • Benjy_26
    Re: Invader single coil

    Originally posted by rinse_master
    Yeah, Evil Duckbucker is cool!!

    I like the 1/2 pounder idea too...

    Try this one.

    Look for the Muy Grande humbucker. I had the Tallboy and Muy Grande buckers in my Carvin and they were very cool.

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  • rinse_master
    Re: Invader single coil

    Yeah, Evil Duckbucker is cool!!

    I like the 1/2 pounder idea too...

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  • Dodger
    Re: Invader single coil

    Sounds like a kewl idea. This makes me think of an idea i had. Imagine a humbucker version of the quater pounder singlecoil. We could call it the half pounder, the humbucker desinged for use in a strat.

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  • starmaker
    started a topic Invader single coil

    Invader single coil

    Do any of you know if this has been tried yet ?
    I was thinking that a HOT single coil with the
    cap screws might make for some nice harmonics
    in the bridge pos.