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Needing a good Metal lead solo Sound...Help!

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  • Needing a good Metal lead solo Sound...Help!

    Hows it going guys?

    I'm new to the board, and eager to start messing around with my new guitar: An Epiphone Les Paul Custom Standard. Here's a link to the guitar

    Here are the features:
    Mahogany body and maple top
    Set mahogany neck
    Rosewood fretboard with block inlays
    Bound body, neck, and headstock
    2 humbuckers
    Gold hardware
    2 volume and 2 tone controls
    3-way pickup switch

    Now, based on this information...I'm looking to take out the stock pickups and put in a neck and bridge pickup. the sound I'm looking for is fast, pure, clean heavy metal. In particular, I want a Kirk Hammett from Metallica sound to it, and I know it can be done.

    What I recently purchased was an Sh-2 Jazz Model for the Neck and an SH-6 Duncan Distortion Model for the Bridge.

    Would that get me the sound I'm looking for? Or should I take back the Bridge model and put in something else? If so, what would you suggest? Since I play a lot of Metallica, and I already own a steady rhythm guitar (An ESP LTD with EMG pickups), so I want something lightning fast that I can use to solo with.

    I also read about the new Trembuckers..would that be a better suggestion?

    Thanks for any help guys.

  • #2
    Re: Needing a good Metal lead solo Sound...Help!

    I think the Duncan Distortion will do what you want just fine. If not it maybe a custom. To me though Kirk Hammets sound is sorta equated with EMG's... but you already got a guitar loaded with those so... Trembuckers are only needed if you need that particular string spacing.
    "It keeps you fit - the alcohol, nasty women, sweat on stage, bad food - it's all very good for you." -Bon Scott

    "Let me put it this way: the 5150 will treat
    you better than any girlfriend, because it screams louder, it's easier to pick up, and it shuts up when you take your plug out." -Rip Glitter


    • #3
      Re: Needing a good Metal lead solo Sound...Help!

      First of all, welcome.

      Second, the DD/Jazz set is an amazing combo. It is incredibly versatile and will do practically anything from jazz/blues to all out metal. But, I wouldn't necessarily say that it's going to get you cloe to Kirk Hammett's sound. He uses EMGs which are a big part of his sound, not to mention all the rest of his gear which is, I'm sure, pretty extensive. Now that's not to say you can't have a great metal sound with the pickup combo, because you can. The Distortion is my favorite pickup, flat out. It is tight and aggressive with amazing harmonics. The Jazz will stay articulate under high gain and has amazing cleans.

      Third, as far as the trembuckers, you don't need them. Trembuckers merely have the pole pieces spaced farther apart for use with tremelo equipped guitars. It is mostly a cosmetic issue as the pole pieces line up better when used on a guitar with a trem. The standard spaced humbuckers are fine for you.

      Fourth, if you bought the pickups new, then you have 21 days to try them out and exchange them if they're not what you want. Use that to your advantage.
      Everything in this post is the sole opinion of the author. The author makes no claims that his word is final, only that the opinions expressed are those of the author and any similiarities to the opinions of others is purely coincidental.


      • #4
        Re: Needing a good Metal lead solo Sound...Help!

        I agree with the "If you want an EMG user's tone, go with EMG" argument. However, I also agree that the Distortion/Jazz set will give you a totally kick-ass metal tone. Max from Sepultura/Soulfly seems to think the SH-6 is adequate

        I'm unsure of Epiphone, but Gibson tun-o-matic bridges are now wider, and line up a lot better with trembuckers than standards.
        “I can play the hell out of a riff. The rest of it’s all bulls**t anyway,” Gary Holt


        • #5
          Re: Needing a good Metal lead solo Sound...Help!

          For metal lead guitar i think the Screamin Demon kicks arse!!!!!!! Their is heavier more brutal sounding rhythm pickups but for leads i think the Demon rules!!!!!


          • #6
            Re: Needing a good Metal lead solo Sound...Help!

            Thanks for the help guys; I'm glad I can turn to knowing people during complicated situations like these

            I failed to mention that I'm running everything through a 100 Watt (2 stereo 50 watts) MG250DFX Stereo Combo Marshall Amp. I'm also using a Boss Metalzone MT2 Distortion Pedal, as well as a Boss Blues Driver (Very effective for full tones, if anybody needs something for rhythm). (I also have a Black Cat Wah Pedal, but I don't use it often)

            The problem that I constantly find in my ESP LTD with the EMG-HZ Pickups is that 1)The Neck deserves so much better 2)It wails and screeches like crazy when I pump up the distortion. That's why I'm afraid of placing an EMG in the bridge, among over reasons, because I don't want that problem again. I want a tone thats high enough with the treble because that's just Metallicas sound...but something heavy and full, not just screeching. Master of Puppets or Black Album would be nice.

            Would a Duncan or an EMG be better in the bridge for the Epiphone Les Paul Custom Standard? If Duncan, should I use the Distortion pickup or the Duncan Custom Custom (I was thinking about using that one for a long time, but I figured it would make sense to hit the distortion because I love metal)? I want a Metallica/Guns and Roses soloing sound to it.


            • #7
              Re: Needing a good Metal lead solo Sound...Help!

              Ahhh If your LTD has HZ pickups in it thats a different story. The HZ's dont sound like the actives and in my opinion arent that great sounding at all. I think you would get closer to the Metallica sound if you went with an EMG 81 in the bridge. Then an 85 or 89 in the neck. Though I think for an all around more versatile tone the Duncan Distortion would be a better choice. Dont let the name fool you. Its not a metal out the eyeballs one trick pony. It can deliver killer metal tones but do some very cool mellower ones too. I think the DD/Jazz combo would rock in the Epi then maybe get some active EMG's for the LTD
              "It keeps you fit - the alcohol, nasty women, sweat on stage, bad food - it's all very good for you." -Bon Scott

              "Let me put it this way: the 5150 will treat
              you better than any girlfriend, because it screams louder, it's easier to pick up, and it shuts up when you take your plug out." -Rip Glitter


              • #8
                Re: Needing a good Metal lead solo Sound...Help!

                Thanks for the help Edge. I do believe I'll be installing an EMG81 in the Bridge perhaps very soon, maybe even within the week.

                And thank you for the advice with the Epi, I truly can't wait for this thing to come in. Not only because it's beautiful, but because I've naturally wanted to lean towards a lead guitar. The ESP is one hell of an awesome guitar, but it's far too heavy for me to use it other then simple rhythm exercises.

                Would the DD take care of the feedback that I have with the Boss Metalzone?


                • #9
                  Re: Needing a good Metal lead solo Sound...Help!

                  It might sound silly, but I don't recommend buying pickups that will compliment your pedals, compromising the match with the guitar.

                  That being said, don't buy a mid-spiked style pickup such as Invader to compensate for the MT-2's lack of mids, ignoring the fact that you're putting the pickup into a guitar made out of mahogany, a bassy wood.

                  Something quite obvious but I thought I'd point it out just in case.

                  That being said, IIRC, RTL and MOP we're done with Duncans, I'm not sure who and what, maybe someone else can chime in.
                  Originally posted by Kanye West
                  Welcome to the real world. Everybody wanna booooo me but I'm a fan of real pop culture!!! No disrespect but we watchin' the show at the crib right now cause...well you know...I'm not crazy y'all, I'm just real.


                  • #10
                    Re: Needing a good Metal lead solo Sound...Help!

                    Originally posted by Rainmaker
                    That being said, IIRC, RTL and MOP we're done with Duncans, I'm not sure who and what, maybe someone else can chime in.
                    Both were done with an Invader, but it was in an alder Flying V. For MOP James also used an Explorer with an EMG 60/81 combo. I have a link to a kick ass Metallica gear site, but it's at home and I'm at work. If I remember I'll post it later.
                    || Guitar | Wah | Vibe | Amp ||


                    • #11
                      Re: Needing a good Metal lead solo Sound...Help!


                      • #12
                        Re: Needing a good Metal lead solo Sound...Help!

                        That's the one! Thanks.
                        || Guitar | Wah | Vibe | Amp ||


                        • #13
                          Re: Needing a good Metal lead solo Sound...Help!

                          Originally posted by TDevilG
                          Would the DD take care of the feedback that I have with the Boss Metalzone?
                          I couldnt honestly say whether or not the pickup change would cure the feedback problem. It just depends on whats causing it. If it is actually pickup squeal yes it will. Or it may simply be a combination of the gain setting on the metal zone and the volume your playing at. If the feedback your getting is with only one particular guitar it may be pickup squeal other wise try messing with the gain and eq on the metal zone or try standing in another spot.
                          "It keeps you fit - the alcohol, nasty women, sweat on stage, bad food - it's all very good for you." -Bon Scott

                          "Let me put it this way: the 5150 will treat
                          you better than any girlfriend, because it screams louder, it's easier to pick up, and it shuts up when you take your plug out." -Rip Glitter


                          • #14
                            Re: Needing a good Metal lead solo Sound...Help!

                            Originally posted by ranalli
                            Nice bro...Thanks


