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Invader-7 is an effing BEAST!!

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  • Invader-7 is an effing BEAST!!

    So I dropped an Invader-7 in my B.C. Rich Jr. V bridge a few days ago. Mahogany body, maple neck, Ebony board and an Original Flod Rose. I just have to say Holy Metal Tonez Batfleck!! This pickup is sooooo good. Surprisingly good clean tones but when ou pour on the gain (I am a gain/distortion whore) wow. Super crunchy pick attack and a growl that would make a Rottweiler blush. I was on the fence between this and a Nazgul. So, truthfully, I flipped a coin and voila! "Chose" the Invader. I have had the 6-string version and it was kind of woofy so I really wasnt sure. But, after allthe Youtube vids from Ola Englund and Keith Merrow, I thought it sounded the best for the tone I wanted. Soooo glad I got this pup. The lows are extremely present without being woofy, the mids are thick and out front so even if you scoop your amp it will still have some mid flavor. The highs are there but not piercing your eardrum like alot of ceramic mag pups do. All in all, an amazing pickup. The palm mutes are very tight and thump you in the chest and the pinch harmonics practically leap off the fretboard. I guess Ebony has something to do with that. So, if you are looking for a super crunchy, growly, bada$$ bridge pup fo yo 7-stringer, you should try the Invader.
    That being said, whats up with the Nazgul? Also, any recommendations for a neck match with the Invader besides the obvious Invader neck?

    Thanks for lookin. Oh, btw, thats a stock pic of the guitar. Obviously no Invader in bridge.
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