I am trying to decide which pickups to replace the stock ones in my Mid 80s Washburn HB-35 (ES-335 copy). The Korean pickups have served pretty well, but were always a bit too dark and limited.
I am primarily a Strat Player, but I love the warmth and playability of my hollowbody and want to "spruce it up" and bring it back into my Stage Arsenal.
I am a huge Carlton and Ford fan (and Clapton and Santana... all the standard influences)... I know both Larry and Robben use JBs in the Bridge and '59s in the Neck. Would those be a logical choice or would I be battling feedback problems? I used to get feedback with the stock pickups and that was one reason I quit using it on stage.
I am not necessarily looking for "jazzy" tones but want something that will give me more saturation (tasteful) than the DH1 on my Deluxe Strat and the Pearly Gates on my Texas Special Strat. I am DEFINITELY NOT into metal or rectifier tones...
I currently play through a Mesa Boogie MK IV with no pedals (I use a SRRI and Keeley Tubescreamer at times as well).
thanks in advance and looking fwd to your collective advice
I am primarily a Strat Player, but I love the warmth and playability of my hollowbody and want to "spruce it up" and bring it back into my Stage Arsenal.
I am a huge Carlton and Ford fan (and Clapton and Santana... all the standard influences)... I know both Larry and Robben use JBs in the Bridge and '59s in the Neck. Would those be a logical choice or would I be battling feedback problems? I used to get feedback with the stock pickups and that was one reason I quit using it on stage.
I am not necessarily looking for "jazzy" tones but want something that will give me more saturation (tasteful) than the DH1 on my Deluxe Strat and the Pearly Gates on my Texas Special Strat. I am DEFINITELY NOT into metal or rectifier tones...
I currently play through a Mesa Boogie MK IV with no pedals (I use a SRRI and Keeley Tubescreamer at times as well).
thanks in advance and looking fwd to your collective advice