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Help me Decide which Pickups...

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  • Help me Decide which Pickups...

    I am trying to decide which pickups to replace the stock ones in my Mid 80s Washburn HB-35 (ES-335 copy). The Korean pickups have served pretty well, but were always a bit too dark and limited.

    I am primarily a Strat Player, but I love the warmth and playability of my hollowbody and want to "spruce it up" and bring it back into my Stage Arsenal.

    I am a huge Carlton and Ford fan (and Clapton and Santana... all the standard influences)... I know both Larry and Robben use JBs in the Bridge and '59s in the Neck. Would those be a logical choice or would I be battling feedback problems? I used to get feedback with the stock pickups and that was one reason I quit using it on stage.

    I am not necessarily looking for "jazzy" tones but want something that will give me more saturation (tasteful) than the DH1 on my Deluxe Strat and the Pearly Gates on my Texas Special Strat. I am DEFINITELY NOT into metal or rectifier tones...

    I currently play through a Mesa Boogie MK IV with no pedals (I use a SRRI and Keeley Tubescreamer at times as well).

    thanks in advance and looking fwd to your collective advice


  • #2
    Re: Help me Decide which Pickups...

    if you are looking for a hotter sound, i think the 59/jb combo would work well for you, it is a higher output set but not too over the top for that type of guitar. as far as the feedback, with a semi hollowbody it will always be an issue but its pretty easy to learn to control. its possible that youre old pups are microphonic, a new set of duncans should solve that.


    • #3
      Re: Help me Decide which Pickups...

      Geno, if you want to hear what a JB sounds like in a semi-hollow mahogany guitar through a tubescreamer and a SF fender vibrolux (and a cheap mic , click here:

      Gibson ES-335 (stock '57 Classics)*Warmoth Tele (PGn/Brobuckerbridge) *Fender American Strat w/DiMarzio Fast Track Is*Fender Princeton Reverb*Martin D-28*Favorite effects-Maxon AD80*80s Ibanez TS-9*80s Boss OD-1*Fulldrive 2*Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive and MicroVibe-Maxon AF-9*Vox Wah


      • #4
        Re: Help me Decide which Pickups...

        I have just installed a set of antiquity pickups in an Orville Les paul. I also have one of the only, if not the only, Shamimura Les Pauls in the states (Awesome and it eats any r8 hanging out there) with 59/JB pickups installed. I like the latter but the Antiquities have it done right. The harmonics and tones are truer than any PAF clone pickup that I have come across, and I have been using a variety of them since the 70's. Whether I am running through the bluesbreaker ri or 66 Super I am getting the tone of the gods. They also cut nicely through the mix, especially if you are doing a lot of recording. If you can spring for a set of these try them. Also if you prefer the early-mid 60's sound of Clapton's 64 ES335 check out the crossroads set at I have a set of his Darkburst's installed in another Orville and he makes some damn nice pickups. Either way you are going to have to cough up some cash but you won't be disappointed.


        • #5
          Re: Help me Decide which Pickups...

          Welcome to the Forum!

          The antiquities are always a good choice, you can get very vintage tones with any of SD's PAF based pups. I like the warmness of A2 mags and would highly recommend the A2P's for a very balanced and thick yet vintage-esque sound. The seths are another great choice that has A2 mags but being a bit brighter. The PG (not PG+ which fenders ship with a has an A5 mag) is a bit hotter than the aforementioned pups with the presence turned up.

          Since you are in the market for more output/saturation you could go with the Custom Custom. It will have a large mid spike that will fit in nicely with your maple body and centerblock. It's not as high in output as the JB but thicker and much smoother to my ears.

          Hope that helps!

          “That which we do for ourselves dies with us … that which we do for others lives forever.”


          • #6
            Re: Help me Decide which Pickups...

            Thanks for all the inputs and advice so far. This is exactly the kind of informed and experience based information that I have been looking for.

            I am not sure if it makes a big difference, but my HB-35 is one of the older models and the body is made of Sycamore, not Maple like the newer ones. It's the only Sycamore guitar I have ever seen, but it looks and sounds pretty good (especially after 20 years of playing).

            The neck (and I assume the center block) IS maple, however.

            Thanks again and keep 'em coming.



            • #7
              Re: Help me Decide which Pickups...

              Originally posted by GenoBluzGtr
              I know both Larry and Robben use JBs in the Bridge and '59s in the Neck.
              Larry never has used a JB/59 and Robben hasn't for some years now.

              I'd go for Seth and control the feedback. The tone is worth it.
              my stuff

