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Wiring Help (Need Schematic)

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  • Wiring Help (Need Schematic)

    Hello fellow guitar players; I'm new here and need a little help. I'm completely rewiring my guitar. I have the following pickups that I will be installing and need some help/suggestions for wiring it up. This will all go into a Samick Stratocaster copy.

    JB Jr. into the Bridge
    Vintage Rails into the Middle
    Great White Snark in the neck

    I will also be replacing the pots, caps, switch, and phono jack.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Re: Wiring Help (Need Schematic)

    Here you go for all your schematic needs:

    Hand-crafted electric guitar pickups, acoustic guitar pickups, bass pickups and pedals. Helping musicians find their signature sound since 1976.
    Everything in this post is the sole opinion of the author. The author makes no claims that his word is final, only that the opinions expressed are those of the author and any similiarities to the opinions of others is purely coincidental.


    • #3
      Re: Wiring Help (Need Schematic)

      I've used this one before:

      Hand-crafted electric guitar pickups, acoustic guitar pickups, bass pickups and pedals. Helping musicians find their signature sound since 1976.

      But the wiring for the Vintage Rails and the "Snark" seem to be different than shown for a typical single coil. I'm not sure exactly how to do it.


      • #4
        Re: Wiring Help (Need Schematic)

        Hey gizmo; welcome to the forum. That diagram you have is good, just make a couple substitutions:

        Vintage Rails:
        White and bare to ground
        Red to the switch

        Unfortunately, I don't know what the color codes are on the Snark. I would assume that white would be "hot", and black ground.

        Hopefully, someone who's used them will chime in on that one.


        • #5
          Re: Wiring Help (Need Schematic)

          Hey, thanks for the help. That "Snark" pickup wiring was white, red, and bare; so i wired it up like the vintage rails. I finished all my wiring so now I'll have to set it up and test it out. Hopefully everything works.

