I was wondering which pickup here would sound better in a les paul. I have a jb in my strat and it sounds great. I would like to know if the custom works better with the les paul. I would probably team either of these pickups with a 59 in the neck.
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Jb vs Custom in a les paul
This is a situation where you really cant go wrong. I have a custom in my les paul standard, but I've got a JB waiting to go in the next Les Paul I can get my hands on. Depends on what you want, but the custom will really cover all the bases, it does have a ceramic magnet though, and you might not dig that sound, might wanna look at a custom 5 or something. I tend to like the idea of a Custom in a LP Standard and a JB in a LP Custom.Fender Classic 60's Strat
Epi Les Paul - PG/SH-4
DSL50 w/Avatar 2x12 (V30/G12H30)
Vox V848 wah
Line 6 MM-4
Ibanez TS-9 Tubescreamer