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Neck humbucker for Strat (w/split)

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  • surfinboy
    Re: Neck humbucker for Strat (w/split)


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  • surfinboy
    Re: Neck humbucker for Strat (w/split)

    Thanks folks. What about stacked humbuckers? Are there any that sound good split? If I did a stacked humbucker I wouldn't have to do any routing to my pickguard.

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  • jeremy
    Re: Neck humbucker for Strat (w/split)

    i might suggest a aph. nice warm bucker sound and sounds pretty great split too

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  • tone4days
    Re: Neck humbucker for Strat (w/split)

    welcome surfin boy

    i bet a 4-wire, neck version of a '59 would sound good for that purpose .. i like my '59n both normal and split ... if you can swing a on-off-on so as to split either of the coils, you'd have that much more versatility

    good luck

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  • ArtieToo
    Re: Neck humbucker for Strat (w/split)

    Hi surfinboy; Welcome to the forum.

    Let me qualify this by saying that I'm strictly an amatuer, who plays exclusively in a home music room setting. (The adult "bedroom".)

    I play mostly blues/jazz, and the guitar I end up playing the most, is the Patriot in my sig with a Distortion in the neck, and a big hole in the bridge. I have it wired with an on-off-on switch so that can split to either coil. Its cleans are great. Nice "Stratty" sound when split, which mellows nicely, but still stays clean when in humbucker mode.

    Its a great all-purpose pup.


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  • surfinboy
    started a topic Neck humbucker for Strat (w/split)

    Neck humbucker for Strat (w/split)

    I'm considering dropping a humbucker in the neck position of my Strat so I can get nice jazz rhythm sounds, but I'd like something with a coil tap so I can get the single-coil sounds as well. Any advice on neck humbuckers that also sound good when tapped?