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SD Black Winters vs EMG-JH "Het" Set?

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  • SD Black Winters vs EMG-JH "Het" Set?

    Anyone have any hands on experience with both of these and can make a direct comparison?

    I happily replaced my Explorer's original Dirty Fingers Plus set with the Hets, but something about them has been bothering me for a month or two. I recently happened to come across a comparison between the Het-B and the SD Nazgul with me liking the latter. Further comparisons favor the Black Winters and I'm contemplating a return to passives. It seems the Winters can get just as aggressive and tight while sounding bigger, cleaning up more nicely, and just getting that much more versatile with coil-splitting, etc. Any info would be appreciated, as I'm finding comparisons pretty scarce so far.
    Last edited by HermitIX; 06-08-2021, 12:12 PM.