I remember I had one, but for some reason, it was lower output than my standard Black Winter. I didn't get to A/B the difference, honestly. I sold it pretty quick thinking I might have gotten a dud.
But is it supposed to be lower output? No, right?
I'm thinking about giving it a second chance. I want to know what to expect the difference will be? I love the regular Black Winter. It's one of the tightest if not the tightest passive I've played. But what I love is it tends to bring out what I like the most about each guitar. Also, it has a very characteristic raspy attack that I haven't found in another pickup.
So basically, will the Blackened version be even more of that? As in tighter and more attacky even?
But is it supposed to be lower output? No, right?
I'm thinking about giving it a second chance. I want to know what to expect the difference will be? I love the regular Black Winter. It's one of the tightest if not the tightest passive I've played. But what I love is it tends to bring out what I like the most about each guitar. Also, it has a very characteristic raspy attack that I haven't found in another pickup.
So basically, will the Blackened version be even more of that? As in tighter and more attacky even?