I'm putting together an HSS Strat and I'm going to use the fender dual 250k/500k pot. I'm very new to wiring but with the resources I've found online I think this will work. Honestly surprised there isn't a wiring diagram with a normal 5-way switch and the standard volume-tone-tone layout. I'm having the dual pot be a master volume. I'm having one of the tone be a 500k pot for the humbucker and the other tone pot be 250k for the two single coils. I have all pickups going through the A side of the switch. I have a jumper connecting the A and B sides. I have the humbucker going from the B side into the 500k volume pot and the 500k tone pot is wired 50's style. I have the hot line going out of the volume pot into the output jack. I have both single coils going from the B side into the 250k volume pot and the 250k tone pot is wired 50's style. I have the hot line going out of the volume pot into the output jack. The only thing I don't know will work is if I have two different hot lines going into the output jack.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated! If this diagram is wrong, can someone help me fix it?
Any feedback is greatly appreciated! If this diagram is wrong, can someone help me fix it?