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Which coil do you think sounds better spilt? Slug or screw?

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  • #16
    Re: Which coil do you think sounds better spilt? Slug or screw?

    Originally posted by dd12939
    How do you choose which coil you're splitting?
    there's a good vault that Robert-S explains how to do this but I've just had a little to much Merlot to remeber how it's under "confused about coil tape", and on personal note I prefer the little extra snap from the screw side of a split at the bridge and the tone from the slug side at the neck.
    Last edited by Oldslowhand; 06-20-2004, 01:31 PM. Reason: Melot kicking in
    This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
    Les Paul With JB bridge & Jazz neck - Jimmy Page Wiring
    Fenton Weill strat copy With 59 bridge & 59 Neck p/up My first Guitar
    Vox Valvetronix AD 100 VT


    • #17
      Re: Which coil do you think sounds better spilt? Slug or screw?

      Originally posted by Oldslowhand
      there's a good vault that Robert-S explains how to do this but I've just had a little to much Merlot to remeber how it's under "confused about coil tape", and on personal note I prefer the little extra snap from the screw side of a split at the bridge and the tone from the slug side at the neck.
      Didn't know that robert had one in there ... cool! There are a couple different ways to do it though ... cheers on the Merlot ...
      ::::To sound reinforcement engineer::::
      ... What? ... ::::snicker:::: ...Yes, ... Right, ...
      Could we please have everything louder than everything else ? ...


      • #18
        Re: Which coil do you think sounds better spilt? Slug or screw?

        So Doc, I always run my poles low to the coil. Raising them tightens up the sound and lowers the output. What does burying them do?
        Me and Neal's stage rig.


        • #19
          Re: Which coil do you think sounds better spilt? Slug or screw?


          Increasing the screws changes the shape of the magnetic field. and the magnetic field (working with the same principle of least resistance) is rather flat than vertical to the body of the guitar. And increasing the screw pieces definitely increases the level of the magnetic hyperplane of the magnetic field.

          Well at least that's what I have learnt.

          Yet then there was the discussion about changing the tone by cutting (shortening) the screws. The claim in that discussion was (I did not try it, the spot of the discussion was here and the LPF, let me know if you need that LPF thread) cutting the screws made the tone beefier.

          Shortening the screws definitely affects the magnetic field under the strings, which help in turn to shape the magnetic field. From what those folks say, the magnetic field (with shorter screws) gets more dense due to the absence of unnecessary loss of magnetic field (which is underneath the pickup).

          Go figure!

          Anyway, I think those guys are overkilling! But it is a great intellectual exercise anyway, tho not necessarily practical in applications.

          FaceBook; SoundCloud; Barlo's Blues; Barlo Digitalized; Soundclick!;


          • #20
            Re: Which coil do you think sounds better spilt? Slug or screw?


            I remember those long vs short screw underneath the pickup threads. Didn't try it. I did convert a Metric PU over to Allen (socket heads) and yea "more focused". I put a Gibson base on a DMZ PAF and couldn't hear the difference but I didn't record and had no direct A/B so thats by memory.

            SK Guitars has some representations of magnetic fields. These are the mental images I have.

            B, what I was asking is how does it effect the tone? Also why didn't you shim both sides?

            Later Chuck
            Me and Neal's stage rig.


            • #21
              Re: Which coil do you think sounds better spilt? Slug or screw?

              B' refer me to the thread you said it in or something...I can't remember the effect you said this created!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              Sorry man I forgot you are busy trying to figure out how you got 276k ohms...Just Rassin ya.
              Me and Neal's stage rig.


              • #22
                Re: Which coil do you think sounds better spilt? Slug or screw?

                Howdy L',

                Yeah the 275K issue. I really wanna figure that out, otherwise am gonna go crazy.

                Anyway, here is the link:

                And regarding what you are asking: Well I don't think doing what I have done to both pickups, or installing screws to both bobins is that necessary. When the pickup is increased enough, and the screws are burried into the pickup, the tone gets quite fat already. And frankly, if a pickup cannot get fat then, I don't think I'd keep it.

                Thus the only issue is to keep the output and add some sparkle if needed. It generally can be done by increasing the height of the screws. But if that's not possible, manipulating the magnetic flied to favor the bobin on the bridge side does the trick.

                FaceBook; SoundCloud; Barlo's Blues; Barlo Digitalized; Soundclick!;

