New to the list and to the Bass. Hello! I've been playing guitar for a while and recently bought an OLP 5 string bass to fool around on. The guys I play with encoraged me to try some of our stuff on bass (we didn't have a bass player) and I picked up on it pretty fast. The tone is fine for hacking but not as nice as I'd like it to be and the electronics in the OLP aren't very good for live / recording. I've searched the forums but haven't found an answer as to which SD pickups to buy. Other forums list the MusicMan replacements for the OLP (no I can't afford a Stingray) but SamAsh can't tell me what part number is the correct one. I want to replace all the electronics and go active. What part number do I need and will the pick up fit in the OLP? SMB 5, 5D, 55?? I figure I'll have to rout for the battery tray and make mods to the pick guard.