I was wondering what Duncan pickups equate to the Super Distortion. I'm hoping to pickup a dual humbucker monster sometime this summer, and I've yet to decide whether I want a classicy 59'b and 59'n combo or put Super Distortions in it, but I would appreciate something Duncan in there. So, I was wondering, what does Duncan have that equates to the Super Distortion?
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Duncan equiv to Dimarzio SD?
Re: Duncan equiv to Dimarzio SD?
i was gone say the invade but no, theres to much of on output diffrence so there's no duncan thats like the super distortion.Gear: Carvin CT6 flame top(alnico 2 pro,JB), Strat scappoled fretboard(59,CC), Morgan monroe ovation knock-off, yamaha nylon acoustic,Boss super overdrive with TS-808 "silver" analogman mod, Boss DS-1 with keeley mod, Vox wah with true bypass mod, Fender Super Reverb 65.
Originally Posted by Jeff_H
The APH is like slipping into a tub of warm honey spashed with the silky essence of virgins.
Re: Duncan equiv to Dimarzio SD?
hey here's an idea, if you want the sound of the super distortion, a good idea would be to actually put a super distortion in your guitar
if you like the sound of it whats the matter if its SD or DMzGuitars:
-Ibanez RG2820CTTW Limited Edition (with Dimarzio Steve's Special bridge and Air Norton neck)
-Peavey Harley Peavey Signature Guitar
-Admira spanish classical guitar
- Line6 POD 2.3 Rack with poweramp and cab
- Marshall 1st Generation Valvestate combo
Re: Duncan equiv to Dimarzio SD?
The super 2 is made for the neck with the super.
NO duncan sounds like it.Peavey Wolfgang(USA) EBMM pickups
Meanstreet Exile (Wolfgang Copy) evh set
Sterling AX40 stock (Fender Wolfgang bridge/AN neck)
Epiphone LP Special w/JB
Rouge P Bass SD Quarter Pounders
Epiphone Acoustic with seymour woody
1984 Marshall JCM 800 4010 Voodoo Modded w/EVH Greenback
Peavey 6505+ combo