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$190 genuine fender replacement telecaster neck... reliced

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  • $190 genuine fender replacement telecaster neck... reliced

    I bought this neck from someone on reranch a few years ago and it has served its purpose well on my starter tele. It's a genuine fender replacement neck with, I believe a 7.25 radius, small frets, and a thin, C shape. A date on the heel says 2004. I like the feel of the neck a lot, but I have just never been able to bond with the relicing on it, which is deep in places.

    Seems like this is like selling ice to eskimos (as they say on the BYOC forum) but I thought I'd put it up here in case anyone is interested.

    Pristine versions go for $300-$400 on fleabay, so I'm selling this one for $190 plus actual shipping considering the relicing. Nut, string tree, and tuners included.

    I would only trade it for another comparable quality tele neck, preferably mahogany.

    Here are a few pics:
