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Test with my HX Stomp - Matching my favorite Metalcore tone

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  • Test with my HX Stomp - Matching my favorite Metalcore tone

    I really like the tone on the record Shadows Are Security. I know The End of Heartache is what most consider the epitome of 2000's Metalcore tone, but I've always considered Shadows Are Security more aggressive, raspier, and overall, meaner. More Gothenburg-y, I guess.

    So I tried to get a tone close to that with my HX Stomp. What do you think?

    This is the Youtube clip:

    And this is the Dropbox link which is a little higher-quality.

    There are some flops on the playing here and there, so please excuse that, but for the most part, I think it's passable for a little tone test.

    So.... thoughts? Opinions?​
    Last edited by Rex_Rocker; 07-10-2024, 09:25 AM.

  • #2
    In case anyone wants the details, it's my Gibson Les Paul Tribute with a 500T in the bridge. Little tiny trick that I found is that the record (or at least that song) seems to be tuned ever so slightly flat from Drop C, so knowing that definitely helps get closer.

    The patch is not very complicated. It's the Horizon Drive boosting the Recto model, then some Cali EQ cutting a bunch of lows and low mids, and then the star of the show, IMO, a Josh Middleton IR. I can share the patch in case someone wants it, but I fear it won't really "work as intended" without the IR and the right guitar/pickup.


    • #3
      Also, FWIW, this is the original.


      • #4
        Sounds pretty cool on my phone. Maybe roll off the high end where modelers get a little abrasive? (in the daw not the gear)


        • #5
          Originally posted by DankStar View Post
          Sounds pretty cool on my phone. Maybe roll off the high end where modelers get a little abrasive? (in the daw not the gear)
          Thank you!

          That's the thing. I don't really know where the added harshness is coming from.

          I am using a 500T which is pretty rough around the edges in itself. I am using a Recto model which is of course rude and raspy too. But I suspect that kind of high-mid/treble kerrang is coming from the Precision Drive. Problem is that's the closest I've found to what was used on the record (Maxon OD820) in that it's a TS that doesn't cut a lot of low-end and has more or less neutral mids. But with it, the attack can get harsh quick.

          That's also another problem that makes it hard for me to just point the finger at one single element. I'm using gear that isn't what was used on the record. I'm using a Les Paul, but I'm not using the right pickup (they used Burstbuckers). I'm using a scoopy high-gain amp, but it's not a Krank. I'm using a modded TS-type pedal, but it's not an Maxon OD820. Gotta say, though, those Josh Middleton IR's do get very 2000's Andy Sneap-like.

          And I don't want to darken it up too much either because the original does have the chainsaw thing going on in the high-end as well, as well as some very detailed presence-y sizzle.

          But yeah. I'll try to find that freq with some external EQ. Kinda wanted to avoid that, though. Kinda wanted to keep it all inside the box.
          Last edited by Rex_Rocker; 07-11-2024, 10:48 AM.


          • #6
            Might be worth an eq match plug-in just to see where they are differing most. Sounds great as is too


            • #7
              Originally posted by DankStar View Post
              Might be worth an eq match plug-in just to see where they are differing most. Sounds great as is too
              Kind of impossible to do without the isolated guitar tracks. And on the record, there's very few places where the guitars are left playing alone, and those are really short, and there's usually a little bit of bleed from a choked cymbal or something. Believe me, I've tried, LOL.

              And thank you!


              • #8
                Anyone else listen?


                • #9

                  So I tweaked the tone and recorded the whole song with the new patch.


