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New enclosure for an oldie

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  • New enclosure for an oldie

    Some of you may remember this amp from this thread:

    Now, the guy who bought it is a good friend of mine, lives in the same part of the woods that I do. He's a great neighbor to have around. Helped me with a whole lot around here since I moved. I helped him pick a nice acoustic and taught him what I could.

    He found that thing at a yardsale and left it at my place since he doesn't own an electric yet.

    I thought I'd build him a new enclosure for it (the old one's all scratched up with semi-erased swastikas all over... not his type nor mine) as a thank you for all the help.

    It's not that great, meaning that when one looks close enough he sees plenty of little mistakes or things that could've been done better but it still looks pretty decent for my first enclosure.

    I had to make my own chassis bolts from threaded rods since I couldn't find bolts that were long and slender enough. The metal plates on which they rest were hand-made by me (Yeah, I know you can easily tell) from scraps I had laying around. They look DIY and I like it...

    I'm quite pleased with the result. The best part was of course seeing his reaction. He just couldn't believe it. He doesn't have an electric yet but took it home anyways to put on display in his living-room (I know, from a guitar-player's point-of-view that's sacreligious but come on... it's his and he's quite happy...) until he buys a guitar (won't be long now).

    For the curious guys:
    The red is Varathane's "Brandy" stain, about 7 coats (that wood was soooo light colored that it needed as much as it could soak-up), the other's Minwax "Golden Oak". The varnish is Varathane's semi-gloss.

    Hope you guys like it too...


  • #2
    Re: New enclosure for an oldie

    I like it a lot. It just oozes mojo.


    • #3
      Re: New enclosure for an oldie

      Anderson Lake Blues Project


      • #4
        Re: New enclosure for an oldie

        Man, that's awesome. I think it looks fantastic. That will probably be the nicest amp head he ever owns. Nice way to say thank you, not enough people do it these days!
        My Sound Clips


        • #5
          Re: New enclosure for an oldie

          Very nice work. I can understand why he's so proud to own it. It's special to him because you took the time to make it for him.


          • #6
            Re: New enclosure for an oldie

            Thanks for the kind words guys... I'm quite proud of it too!


            • #7
              Re: New enclosure for an oldie

              Looks pretty cool man!
              Originally posted by Good Will Hunting
              Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself.

