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Route 66 vs Boss BD2

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  • Route 66 vs Boss BD2

    I'm strongly thinking of selling the Route 66 and getting a SD1 and a BD2 with the money (well I'd have to complete, as the SD1 is the equivalent of 70 USD here, and the BD2 of 120). The SD1 would get modded for a clean boost (i.e what I use the OD side of the route 66 now), and the BD2 would provide the OD sounds I've been wanting for ages but still don't have...
    I basically still want a smooth but ballsy OD that's not nasal and horrible like a TS/stock SD1 can be. After that, I'm not picky, and Boss pedals are easy to mod...

    Worth it you think? I can't try a BD2 yet.

  • #2
    Re: Route 66 vs Boss BD2

    Originally posted by Pierre View Post
    I'm strongly thinking of selling the Route 66 and getting a SD1 and a BD2 with the money (well I'd have to complete, as the SD1 is the equivalent of 70 USD here, and the BD2 of 120). The SD1 would get modded for a clean boost (i.e what I use the OD side of the route 66 now), and the BD2 would provide the OD sounds I've been wanting for ages but still don't have...
    I basically still want a smooth but ballsy OD that's not nasal and horrible like a TS/stock SD1 can be. After that, I'm not picky, and Boss pedals are easy to mod...

    Worth it you think? I can't try a BD2 yet.

    Boss BD-2 all the way !!!

    I really DIS-like the tone of the RT66 !!! YMMV, but the RT66 does NOTHING for me, or my playing style !!!

    I love my stock BD-2 !!!
    Tele, SG, LP Jr, '76 Ibanez Artist & Tokai LS92 + FUZZ boxes into a '66 AB165 Bassman & 2X12 (55Hz Greenbacks) / '73 Orange OR120 & 2X12 (V30 & SwampThang) / Orange Thunderverb 50 & PPC212 / Marshall Vintage Modern 50 & 2X12 Genz Benz g-Flex / Laney Klipp / Laney AOR Pro Tube 100

    "'s a tree with a microphone" - Leslie West


    • #3
      Re: Route 66 vs Boss BD2

      I like my BD-2 quite a bit . . . it was decent stock, and I found some mods that have really made it a much better pedal. The great thing about those boss pedals is you can mod them the way that you want very easily . . .
      Join me in the fight against muscular atrophy!

      Originally posted by Douglas Adams
      This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.


      • #4
        Re: Route 66 vs Boss BD2

        Don't waste any more money on Boss type pedals. Get something like a Fulltone FDII, CM Plexitone, or Banzai. You'll pay a little more at first, but won't have to mod anything, and the tone is better.
        Originally posted by Boogie Bill
        I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


        • #5
          Re: Route 66 vs Boss BD2

          Originally posted by Gearjoneser View Post
          Don't waste any more money on Boss type pedals. Get something like a Fulltone FDII, CM Plexitone, or Banzai. You'll pay a little more at first, but won't have to mod anything, and the tone is better.
          Gearjoneser forgot Fulltone's OCD pedal, which is also a great pedal.
          Support Code 211 - Stop the bad boys, you know COPS!
          When we do right nobody remembers when we do wrong nobody forgets!
          Red Devils - 1% all the way!
          Screw anyone who post negative crap on my post!
          Finding out that there really is a lot of traffic on the Highway to Hell, but no waiting line on the Stairway to Heaven.


          • #6
            Re: Route 66 vs Boss BD2

            Tough call man... Two of my favorite pedals now throw in an original Marshall Guv'nor and now we're talkin'! They are all useful I can't choose.


            • #7
              Re: Route 66 vs Boss BD2

              I love the Keeley modded Boss Blues Driver. I felt that it had plenty of dynamics and had a transparent fat tone. I think they sound okay at best stock, a little on the fuzzy side as with most stock boss stuff IMO. I say go modded or go for a Fulltone OCD which is a great pedal (sorta sorry I sold mine now) or the MI Audio Crunchbox - there are tons of amp-like dirt boxes out there and Im sure plenty of people here can point you in the right direction. After that, all you gotta do is RESEARCH and listen to clips on the internet and play them at the store and decide if that is really waht you want. Good luck dude!
              - BlueBurst Campellone Standard CSTM (Kent Armstrong Johnny Smith Mini HB n)
              - Pelham Blue Gibson DG-335 (Antiquity n/'78 b)
              - Goldtop Gibson R7 (Antiquity HBs)
              - Teal Green Metallic Fender '56 NOS Strat (Antiquity Surfers n&m/Antiquity Texas Hot Custom b)
              - Tungsten Buckwheat
              - Fender '57 Tweed Twin-Amp
              - Vintage Sound Amps VS112P (Princeton Reverb clone)
              - Henriksen JazzAmp 110


              • #8
                Re: Route 66 vs Boss BD2

                The BD-2 and the Route 66 are quite different pedals, speaking in terms of the overdrive. The BD-2 is simply more transparent.

                And yes a plus 1 to the suggestion for the OCD. That is a fantastic pedal in the vein of the BD-2. Version 1 has less mids and Version 3 has more mids. So pick whichever depending on your rig.

                EDIT: You mentioned smooth and ballsy. Go for the OCD V3 or a Fulldrive. They're still different in nature though. Try as much as possible before you buy.


                • #9
                  Re: Route 66 vs Boss BD2

                  I have a Crunchbox and I love it. Basically what I need is a cleaner boost (I use the OD side with the drive to 0 and the bass boost on), and another nice OD sound.

                  I should have had a plexitone by now. But my flatmate was too lazy to call the post office to deliver it at a convenient time while I was away so it got sent back, and neither I nor Niels have had heard of it since...

                  A friend is selling a FD2 which I want bad, but it's a lot of money, more so than what I could get for the route 66. Anything over 100 pounds is a no no. That's 200 in the US but our pedals are at LEAST twice as expensive over here.


                  • #10
                    Re: Route 66 vs Boss BD2

                    You might want to check out the MI Audio Blue Boy, or Blue Boy Deluxe. The original version Blue Boy can be had fairly cheaply on some of the used gear boards. I recently got one and I am extremely impressed with it's versatility and performance. I've been through many, many ODs, too.


                    • #11
                      Re: Route 66 vs Boss BD2

                      I would but they're too expensive for me, inexistent second hand or new in the UK and I can't order online


                      • #12
                        Re: Route 66 vs Boss BD2

                        Buy my FD2, you know you want to


                        • #13
                          Re: Route 66 vs Boss BD2

                          modded BD-2 is a pedal that can compete way above its price tag...well worth it imo
                          Originally posted by Empty Pockets
                          yngwie sounds like an orchestra of cartoon bees.


                          • #14
                            Re: Route 66 vs Boss BD2

                            That damn pedal is in limbo somewhere
                            It has not gotten back yet!!
                            Maybe you should poke those postal buggers....ask them where your friggin' pedal is???


                            • #15
                              Re: Route 66 vs Boss BD2

                              Originally posted by joelap
                              Forget the fulltone stuff
                              I need this sale

