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Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

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  • Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

    In my searching for a new univibe pedal I've been looking into other phasers (Univibe isn't that far removed for a 4 stage phaser)

    From my research I've generally found that theres sort of two different types of phasers. (yeah yeah, I know theres 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 stage not to mention bi phasers but bear with me)

    You've got the rather vintage voiced stuff such as the classic Phase 90, Small Stone etc. Usually 4 stage. Nice and smooth, usually pretty lush and can get a nice warble or underwater tones. Some are a bit more subtle than others and so forth but I think we are all pretty familar with what these things sound like right ?

    Then on the other hand we've got some more, what I'll call "modern" sounds.
    Boss PH-2 and PH-3 and other offerings with lots of stages, some crazy rise and fall modes etc.

    Believe it or not, thats actually more of what I'm after. Now I found the PH-3 to sound like crap and some of the modes like "random" are utterly useless and not in the less bit musical.

    However as a whole, these more modern phasers can get some really cool tones that I love.

    Think the dude from Incubus. Think that really squawkly high rez dub/reggae tone. You can't get that stuff with a Phase 90.

    I'm talking about the resonance cranked metallic flangerish overtones.

    What would be some good suggestions to look at ?

    Boss PH-2 ? (I didn't like the PH-3 at all remember)

    How about the Ibanez PH-7 ? Call be crazy but the last three clips on MF sounded really good to me and for only $59 new ?

    Need to find something? Let the Musician's Friend site map guide you to the products you're looking for.

    So what all might be a good suggestion for that type of sound ?

    Now yes an obvious option is to just buy the darn PH-7 if I like the sounds but I want to know if theres something better out there

    I guess maybe I'm a bit of a pedal snob but I can't picture a $59 mass produced pedal, that I'm guessing is digital being the end all answer for me.

    I want discreet hand selected componets, I want true bypass, I want a funky name and case (half serious there lol)

    Sub Decay has the quasar thats got the feedback control but its only 4 stage and I've heard is a bit subtle

    The Moog has a 6/12 stage ability so that might be an option but **** that thing looks like it would take up some space

    Theres the crazy Toadworks unit but at around $400 were are talking alot of money for a phaser effect aren't we.

    I keep thinking that someone out there has got to build a really nice 8 stage unit that will excell at those funk and dub cutting phaser sounds but I've sure not come across it, so any help would be welcome
    -Burny Randy Rhoads LP Custom- C5/59 Hybrid Bridge/Fernades Vh-1 PAF neck
    -Epi Goldtop - Custom Shop Mike Ness p90's
    -Epi Masterbilt AJ500R rosewood
    -Fender Classic Player 60's strat CS 69'

    -Gretsch Black Phoenix - TV Jones Classics
    -Danelectro Dano Pro Baritone

  • #2
    Re: Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

    I may have mentioned this one in response to a recent post (sorry if this is repetitive), but the Maxon Rotary Phaser fits most of your criteria (and you can get it modded to be true bypass if that is necessary).

    It has 4, 6, and 10 stage phasing with a positive or negative feedback knob in addition to the standard rate and depth controls, plus stereo outs (I use it mono).

    The sound clips on MF are terrible...mainly showing of the novelty sounds that it can do. I wrote a review for them but they chose not to post it...I gave it rave reviews but I did mention how their sound clips were awful...probably why they did not publish it.

    As a real phaser, it is great, from subtle to in your face, from classic to what I would consider modern...but then again, I'm not exactly sure what you mean by modern because I have not tried those Boss models you mentioned.
    Originally posted by Zhangliqun
    If I thought it would make it sound better, I'd dunk a Burst in the toilet.
    Originally posted by ImmortalSix
    But nowadays, everyone has to have a pedalboard that looks like the bridge of the starship enterprise to play Amazing Grace at church.


    • #3
      Re: Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

      Thanks FAC, the 350 definatly seems one to keep an eye on still (though it is a little pricey at $300)

      Listen to the third clip of the Ibanez ph-7 on the MF site, its the one really the maxed out res and depth and the 8 stage setting. Its that very cutting and almost metallic overtone that I think would sound great for funk dub and reggae styles.

      Can the 350 get into that territory ? I checked out some YouTube demo's of it and didnt hear much in that area, more vintage sounding stuff

      Also have you had the chance to check out the Moog unit ever ? At $300 its the same price as the Maxon and it seems to have a bit wider range of features so if I was going to send that type of money I'd definatly have to give it some though as well
      -Burny Randy Rhoads LP Custom- C5/59 Hybrid Bridge/Fernades Vh-1 PAF neck
      -Epi Goldtop - Custom Shop Mike Ness p90's
      -Epi Masterbilt AJ500R rosewood
      -Fender Classic Player 60's strat CS 69'

      -Gretsch Black Phoenix - TV Jones Classics
      -Danelectro Dano Pro Baritone


      • #4
        Re: Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

        Originally posted by millsart View Post
        Thanks FAC, the 350 definatly seems one to keep an eye on still (though it is a little pricey at $300)

        Listen to the third clip of the Ibanez ph-7 on the MF site, its the one really the maxed out res and depth and the 8 stage setting. Its that very cutting and almost metallic overtone that I think would sound great for funk dub and reggae styles.

        Can the 350 get into that territory ? I checked out some YouTube demo's of it and didnt hear much in that area, more vintage sounding stuff

        Also have you had the chance to check out the Moog unit ever ? At $300 its the same price as the Maxon and it seems to have a bit wider range of features so if I was going to send that type of money I'd definatly have to give it some though as well
        I am sitting here with guitar in hand tweeking the Maxon, and I would say it is a bit "rounder" and more "fluid" sounding than the clip of the Ibanez I'm thinking the Maxon is not in the right family of tone for what you're looking for. I can get ~75% of the way there by using the 10 stage phasing mode and cranking up the positive feedback, but I think it lacks the vibe that you're looking for. Thanks for pointing me to those I understand better what you're after.

        I have not checked out the Moog...I was so dissappointed by the Moog analog echo that I have not tried any of their other units. I know I should not let my experience with one of their other boxes color my opinion in this way, but you know how people are...

        That being said, I wonder if the ring modulator feature on the Moog might be what you're after? If you get a chance to check it out, let us know how it is.
        Originally posted by Zhangliqun
        If I thought it would make it sound better, I'd dunk a Burst in the toilet.
        Originally posted by ImmortalSix
        But nowadays, everyone has to have a pedalboard that looks like the bridge of the starship enterprise to play Amazing Grace at church.


        • #5
          Re: Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

          Incubus? PH-2 is what will bring you a lot of those sounds.. I know Mike has used the PH-2 quite a lot.. Supposedly the PH-2 is miles ahead of the PH-3 when it comes to sound quality..

          Found a good one here..

          I have the PH-3, and I love the ability to connect a tap tempo to it.. However, as noted, the PH-2 should be a lot better sound-wise, so I might be swapping these two in the future..
          Last edited by Tor; 11-17-2007, 05:34 PM.
          My Soundclick


          • #6
            Re: Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

            It would be intresting to figure out exactly whats giving the modern units that edgey near flangerish tone. Being digital though who can really tell.

            If I'm not mistaken on the Moog you get the ring mod effect with the speed and the res cranked all the way up so I'm not sure if you'd get the same cycling sound you would on a slower phaser setting with the depth and rez full up and the speed still slow.

            I appreciate your checking your 350 for those sounds for me though. Its no doubt an awesome phaser even at the price but I think just not exactly what I'm after.

            I'm thinking a tagteam of a vibe pedal and the modern 8+ stage phaser would satisfy my modulation needs for the stuff I'm playing currently which is alot of vintage Hendrix/SRV styles and then some 80's influenced funkier stuff (which is certainly fun to experiement with various effects on)
            -Burny Randy Rhoads LP Custom- C5/59 Hybrid Bridge/Fernades Vh-1 PAF neck
            -Epi Goldtop - Custom Shop Mike Ness p90's
            -Epi Masterbilt AJ500R rosewood
            -Fender Classic Player 60's strat CS 69'

            -Gretsch Black Phoenix - TV Jones Classics
            -Danelectro Dano Pro Baritone


            • #7
              Re: Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

              Only one choice.

              Oh no.....

              Oh Yeah!


              • #8
                Re: Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

                Not too bad of price, about $450 US (give or take)

                Certainly not cheap no, but less than I thought LOL

                Honestly though it would be cheaper than buy a zvek seek wah and tremelo, and phaser etc.

                I'm sure you'd need $450 worth of pedals to match it
                -Burny Randy Rhoads LP Custom- C5/59 Hybrid Bridge/Fernades Vh-1 PAF neck
                -Epi Goldtop - Custom Shop Mike Ness p90's
                -Epi Masterbilt AJ500R rosewood
                -Fender Classic Player 60's strat CS 69'

                -Gretsch Black Phoenix - TV Jones Classics
                -Danelectro Dano Pro Baritone


                • #9
                  Re: Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

                  I've tried the Ibanez PH-7 a while ago, it was better then the MXR 90 that I've compared it to but it was a little thin sounding. I'm a little unhappy with the reliability of the Ibanez Tone Lok series I own the delay/echo pedal and although it sounds really good and the price is great it had trouble since day one.

                  There's a thread I had in the past about my phaser and univibe quest... got some good tips there from other members (use the search function).


                  • #10
                    Re: Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

                    I really like the HBE Psilocybe Phaser.

                    Very tweakable and sounds great


                    • #11
                      Re: Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

                      I have the Ibanez PM7, which is different from the PH7. The PM7 has some wild settings, which sound kind of toyish, but that's why I love it.
                      Turn me on, Dead Man.


                      • #12
                        Re: Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

                        I agree Baritone, from what I heard of the PM-7 it was definatly unique and wild. Honeslty not really my cup of tea for the music I do but no doubt a rather fun pedal to experiment with for the money.

                        Brow, HomeBrew certainly has some fine stuff. I haven't been able to find too much out about the Psilocybe though. Its similar to a Small Stone or Phase 90 right ? 4 Stage and all. I was hoping the toggles would maybe kick in an 8 or 10 stage but it seems they are just eq ?

                        I think if I was going for a more traditional phase sound it would be high on my list to check out

                        Johnny Guitar, I'll definatly search up on yoru old thread and see what I can learn from it. I agree that the PH-7 does sound a little thin, but I think that might actually work for me.

                        I'd be using it for most of a funk/reggae type style stuff so thin bright and cutting really would work well to cut over the band.

                        With any luck the univibe will handle the slow and thick stuff and then the modern phaser can just be set for the cutting funky stuff. or at least thats looking like the plan
                        -Burny Randy Rhoads LP Custom- C5/59 Hybrid Bridge/Fernades Vh-1 PAF neck
                        -Epi Goldtop - Custom Shop Mike Ness p90's
                        -Epi Masterbilt AJ500R rosewood
                        -Fender Classic Player 60's strat CS 69'

                        -Gretsch Black Phoenix - TV Jones Classics
                        -Danelectro Dano Pro Baritone


                        • #13
                          Re: Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

                          It seems like most phasers now are based on either the Phase 90 or Small Stone sound. I like the Red Witch Moon Phaser, but it really sounds like a more tweakable Small Stone. I like the clips of the Psilocybe, but it sounds pretty vintagey too.
                          Oh no.....

                          Oh Yeah!


                          • #14
                            Re: Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

                            Yeah they do. I guess those two are so popular that it makes more sense for most people to come out with something similar instead of a product more from left field thats not going to sell well (expect to oddballs like me lol)

                            Sort of strange though when you think about it because all of the cheap mass produced stuff like the boss ph-2 and ps-3, digitech whatever, ibanez ph-7 etc all are quite far removed from either a phase 90 or a small stone.

                            Again as it turns out, my taste seem to towards that modern sound but its really does show how those big corporations seems to miss the boat again and again in terms of what most guitarist actually want.

                            Its just sort of like "hello! BOSS marketing folks. Theres a ton of builders all making vintage voiced phasers in addition to MXR/Dunlop with several models of the Phase 90 and the used/modded marketing going strong, why on earth then did you think what people wanted was a random step 12 stage phaser ?" LOL
                            -Burny Randy Rhoads LP Custom- C5/59 Hybrid Bridge/Fernades Vh-1 PAF neck
                            -Epi Goldtop - Custom Shop Mike Ness p90's
                            -Epi Masterbilt AJ500R rosewood
                            -Fender Classic Player 60's strat CS 69'

                            -Gretsch Black Phoenix - TV Jones Classics
                            -Danelectro Dano Pro Baritone


                            • #15
                              Re: Best "modern" voiced phaser advice ?

                              You can set the HBE so that it gets 'in the ballpark' of a Phase 90 of a Small Stone (both of which I also own) but it can do alot more than that.

                              To be honest with ya, I couldn't really say what the toggle switches do, but they make alot of difference in the sounds of the pedal, even when set at the same Regen and Speed settings.

